Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga |
Also known as: Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner (JP)
![]() |
In Digital Devil Saga, rival tribes fight over an egg in a junkyard.
To do:
Notes |
Debug Options
A few debug options remain in this game. The codes in their respective sections are for the USA version only.
Battle Stage
A map select option. You can also view all of the maps in this game, not just battle maps here. Selecting a map that doesn't exist in the game will softlock the game. Apply the code below to appear in this menu upon first boot of the game. For a list of maps in this game, head on over to the notes page.
Battle Stage Debug At Boot 203297E4 0010A748
Debug Display
A very small leftover from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne can also be found in this game. It has no known effect on anything.
Enable Debug Display 003BA724 00000001 003BA934 000000xx 003BA938 000000xx
A debug option that lets you dump current VIF data. This is most likely 3D model data currently loaded in the map. It generally dumps 400 - 500K of memory. This only works presumably with development hardware via a console display. An emulator will display it perfectly fine in a console window if you have it enabled. Below is a code to dump VIF data.
Press R1+Start to Dump VIF Data D03F9902 0000F7F7 003BA7FC 00000001
Event Debug
To do: Make a list of unused scenes, if any. |
In this option you can view all of the cutscenes that are in the .bf format. Apply the code below to appear in this menu upon first boot of the game.
Event Debug At Boot 203297E4 0010A788
Model Viewer
A model viewer option that contains quite a bit of options to choose from. Apply the code below to appear in this menu upon first boot of the game.
Model Viewer At Boot 203297E4 0010A788 2010A794 0C087872
Unused Graphics
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
Menu Graphics
To do: Add comparisons with the used menu stuff. |
There are a few menu graphics left inside the game that are left unused.
Analyze Graphics
These graphics are not present in-game in the analyze option, meaning that it is left completely unused.
Atma Menu Graphics
There is no atma menu in the final game.
Item Menu
Party Menu
Japanese text at the bottom says 'reset'. Atma is misspelled as Artma. There are more ailments than just poison, mute and ache in the final game. There is a placeholder to signify that a position in the party is blank.
Status Menu
Old status menu. Instead of MAG (for magic), there is TEC (presumably Technique).
Skill Menu
Config Menu
To do: Compare with the final version. |
Here's an interesting thing. In the localized version of the game, the translation team accidentally translated this menu. You can clearly see that it isn't used in the final game because of the menu text + the red text instead of gold. The config text here is also different to the one used in the final version.
Battle Graphic Oddity
For the battle graphic that is used in battles, there are two options that would normally not be visible during gameplay. Dvilize and Hunt. Normally you would be able to see all the other ones as titles for their menus.
Test Graphics
Graphics from Nocturne. Very likely to have been used early on as placeholders. Last image is Rag's Jewelry.
Placeholder DDS2 Character Graphics
There are a few placeholder player graphics that were intended for the characters you find in Digital Devil Saga 2. These graphics were intended to be used in the pause menus when checking status etc. They most likely exist because of the Digital Devil Saga concept was fleshed out to begin with, but they decided to split it into two games in the end; leaving these graphics completely unused.
Unused Models
Early test models for all six party members were left in the game under model\event\new_test. The textures and geometry in the early models are far lower quality than their final counterparts. These can also be found inside the Maniax re-release of Nocturne.
Early | Final |
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![]() |
Early | Final |
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Early | Final |
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Early | Final |
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Early | Final |
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Early | Final |
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![]() |
Unused Audio
To do: Figure out what that test track is. |
This is in the game's files for some reason.
The alternate unused staff roll theme from Nocturne is present inside the zzz folder. The interesting thing is that this file is present in all SMT PS2 games.
Voice Clips
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP001_1.AT3 | みんな無事か? | Is everyone safe? | |
VP001_2.AT3 | 敵襲だ! | Enemies coming! | |
VP001_3.AT3 | 止むを得ない。手早くケリを付ける。 | It's unavoidable. Quickly strike. | |
VP001_4.AT3 | 降伏の機会を与えたい。でなければ、倒す! | I want to give them the opportunity to surrender. If not, defeat them! | |
VP001_5.AT3 | 後は追わない。出来るなら、逃げてくれ! | Don't chase them down. Escape if you can! | |
VP001_6.AT3 | おおお!あうあ!うあああああ!! | Ooo! Aua! Uaaaaaaa! |
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP002_1.AT3 | ごめんなさい。 | I'm sorry. | |
VP002_2.AT3 | みんな気をつけて。 | Everyone, Be careful. | |
VP002_3.AT3 | 通してください!でないと… | Please let me through! Otherwise... | |
VP002_4.AT3 | 私も…みんなの苦しみを…知らなくちゃいけないの…! | I also... must know... everyone's pain... ! | |
VP002_5.AT3 | お願い!邪魔しないで! | Please! Leave me be! | |
VP002_6.AT3 | あー | Ah |
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP003_1.AT3 | ペッ! | Peh! | |
VP003_2.AT3 | ナメるなよ。雑魚が! | Don't mess with me. Small fry! | |
VP003_3.AT3 | お前等ごときじゃ腹膨れねぇんだ。親玉連れてきな。 | You are not allowed to gorge yourself. Bring me the Boss. | |
VP003_4.AT3 | ハンデだ。これで殺れなきゃテメェがオシマイだ! | It's handicap. I'm gonna kill you shithead this is the end!! | |
VP003_5.AT3 | フッ、来いよ。まとめてミンチにしてやる! | Hmph, come. We'll make mincemeat out of them together! | |
VP003_6.AT3 | えええあああああ! | Eeeaaaaahhhh! |
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP004_1.AT3 | 逃げないから。 | I won't run. | |
VP004_2.AT3 | 私は元に戻るんだ。 | I'll return to normal. | |
VP004_3.AT3 | あんな姿にならなくたって、これくらい! | ||
VP004_4.AT3 | やらなきゃ殺られる!そういうこと! | You gotta do it or you're dead! That's life! | |
VP004_5.AT3 | せめて、苦しまないように。 | At the very least, you won't suffer. | |
VP004_6.AT3 | 逃げろぉ!私が、私でなくなる前に! | Run! Before I lose all control! |
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP005_1.AT3 | 終了だ。 | It is over. | |
VP005_2.AT3 | 不利な状況だ。撤退を提案する。 | This is bad situation. I suggest withdrawal. | |
VP005_3.AT3 | 有利とはいえ効率が悪い。アートマの使用を提案する。 | Although advantageous, it is inefficient. I recommend the use of Atma. | |
VP005_4.AT3 | やや不利な状況だ。お前の指揮が勝敗を決する。 | It is a somewhat disadvantageous situation. Your command determines our success or failure. | |
VP005_5.AT3 | 状況は有利。好きにしろ。 | The situation is advantageous. Do as you will. | |
VP005_6.AT3 | 俺は今、抑えがきかん!判断は任せる! | I'm now restrained! I'll leave it to you! | |
VP005_7.AT3 | 終了だ。 | It is over. | |
VP005_8.AT3 | 不利な状況だ。撤退を提案する。 | This is bad situation. I suggest withdrawal. | |
VP005_9.AT3 | 有利とはいえ効率が悪い。アートマの使用を提案する。 | Although advantageous, it is inefficient. I recommend the use of Atma. |
Filename | Clip | Transcription | Translation |
VP006_1.AT3 | ふい~。 | Sigh... | |
VP006_2.AT3 | あのー、話しあいませんか?ブラザー。 | Uh, so what were we talking about? Bro. | |
VP006_3.AT3 | ノリノリメーター全開! | Norinori Meter Fully Open! | |
VP006_4.AT3 | ズラかったほうが良くね?アニキ? | I think We must escape? Brother? | |
VP006_5.AT3 | よっしゃー!聞く耳持たないぜ、ブラザー! | Yeah! I don't have ears to hear you, Bro! | |
VP006_6.AT3 | やべえ!来やがった! | Uh-oh, He comes! |
Unused Text
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
Development/Code Text
To do: Make a note of how many times this is duplicated. |
Japanese | Translation |
このファイルは削除しても構いません | This file can be safely deleted. |
test ; test_memo test2 ; test2_memo
To do: translations |
# # model index # #=================================================================== # E501 検証イベント #=================================================================== [Major:3, Minor:0x24] : ドア [Major:3, Minor:0x25] : ホクトセイクン [Major:3, Minor:0x26] : インキュバス [Major:3, Minor:0x27] : テング
<ファイル名解説例> f_as_m1.PB (フィールド_アサインメンツ_男01) f_so_f1e.PB (フィールド_ソリッド_女01エンブリオン化) …以上のようにしようかと考えています。
%comp F009.INF id=1 F009.NPL id=2 F009.SKY id=3 F009.WAP id=4 id=5 f009.amb id=6
%comp f009_001.TBN f009_001.f2 f009_001.f1
#! /bin/bash sdfLink cmpSprPacA.txt mv cmpSprPacA.LB sdfLink cmpSprPacB.txt mv cmpSprPacB.LB sdfLink cmpSprPacC.txt mv cmpSprPacC.LB
Japanese | Translation |
%compress # ファイルを圧縮する %nosetfilename # ファイル名の埋め込み無し # 埋め込むと展開がおかしくなるので注意 ../n_min/nall_hp.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min01.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min02.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min03.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min04.spr id=0 ../n_min/nall_cmm.spr id=0 ../n_min/nall_hep.spr id=0 |
%compress # Compresses file. %nosetfilename # No file name embedded. # Embedding a file name will cause strange results, so use with caution. ../n_min/nall_hp.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min01.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min02.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min03.spr id=0 ../n_min/n_min04.spr id=0 ../n_min/nall_cmm.spr id=0 ../n_min/nall_hep.spr id=0 |
Japanese |
# -*- tab-width: 4 -*- # イベント用モデルデータのコンバート # 細谷のマシン環境でないと動きません! #REMOTE_BASE=/mnt/remote/oyster/design REMOTE_BASE=/mnt/remote/oyster_design MDLCNV=sdfModelExp MDLCNV_FLAGS=-b MOTCNV=sdfMotionExp MOTCNV_FLAGS= --optimize E503_MODELS = \ e503/u503_000.TB e503/u503_000.MB e503/u503_000.AB \ e503/u503_001.TB e503/u503_001.MB e503/u503_001.AB ALL_MODELS = \ $(E503_MODELS) all : $(ALL_MODELS) clean: @rm -f $(ALL_MODELS); chmod: @find . -name "*.[TMA]B" -exec chmod +w {} \; #================================================================================== # [3, 0x2c] u503_000 (E503リリス) E503_000_PATH=$(REMOTE_BASE)/maeda/for_hosoya/script_events E503_000_BASE=$(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_01 E503_000=e503/u503_000 $(E503_000).TB: $(E503_000_BASE).TB @cp $(E503_000_BASE).TB $(E503_000).TB $(E503_000).MB: $(E503_000_BASE).MB @cp $(E503_000_BASE).MB $(E503_000).MB $(E503_000).AB: $(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_*.T3 $(MOTCNV) $(MOTCNV_FLAGS) $(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_*.T3 -o $(E503_000).AB #================================================================================== # [3, 0x2d] u503_001 (E503プレイヤー) E503_001_PATH=$(REMOTE_BASE)/maeda/for_hosoya/script_events E503_001_BASE=$(E503_001_PATH)/player_01 E503_001=e503/u503_001 $(E503_001).TB: $(E503_001_BASE).TB @cp $(E503_001_BASE).TB $(E503_001).TB $(E503_001).MB: $(E503_001_BASE).MB @cp $(E503_001_BASE).MB $(E503_001).MB $(E503_001).AB: $(E503_001_PATH)/player_*.T3 $(MOTCNV) $(MOTCNV_FLAGS) $(E503_001_PATH)/player_*.T3 -o $(E503_001).AB #============================ end of file ========================================= |
Translation |
# -*- tab-width: 4 -*- # Event scene model conversion. # Won't work unless executed in Hosoya's machine environment! #REMOTE_BASE=/mnt/remote/oyster/design REMOTE_BASE=/mnt/remote/oyster_design MDLCNV=sdfModelExp MDLCNV_FLAGS=-b MOTCNV=sdfMotionExp MOTCNV_FLAGS= --optimize E503_MODELS = \ e503/u503_000.TB e503/u503_000.MB e503/u503_000.AB \ e503/u503_001.TB e503/u503_001.MB e503/u503_001.AB ALL_MODELS = \ $(E503_MODELS) all : $(ALL_MODELS) clean: @rm -f $(ALL_MODELS); chmod: @find . -name "*.[TMA]B" -exec chmod +w {} \; #================================================================================== # [3, 0x2c] u503_000 (E503 Release) E503_000_PATH=$(REMOTE_BASE)/maeda/for_hosoya/script_events E503_000_BASE=$(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_01 E503_000=e503/u503_000 $(E503_000).TB: $(E503_000_BASE).TB @cp $(E503_000_BASE).TB $(E503_000).TB $(E503_000).MB: $(E503_000_BASE).MB @cp $(E503_000_BASE).MB $(E503_000).MB $(E503_000).AB: $(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_*.T3 $(MOTCNV) $(MOTCNV_FLAGS) $(E503_000_PATH)/lilith_root_*.T3 -o $(E503_000).AB #================================================================================== # [3, 0x2d] u503_001 (E503 Player) E503_001_PATH=$(REMOTE_BASE)/maeda/for_hosoya/script_events E503_001_BASE=$(E503_001_PATH)/player_01 E503_001=e503/u503_001 $(E503_001).TB: $(E503_001_BASE).TB @cp $(E503_001_BASE).TB $(E503_001).TB $(E503_001).MB: $(E503_001_BASE).MB @cp $(E503_001_BASE).MB $(E503_001).MB $(E503_001).AB: $(E503_001_PATH)/player_*.T3 $(MOTCNV) $(MOTCNV_FLAGS) $(E503_001_PATH)/player_*.T3 -o $(E503_001).AB #============================ end of file ========================================= |
The "Hosoya" referenced in this file is likely Tomohiro Hosoya. Although he's only credited in the special thanks section for Digital Devil Saga, he is a known Atlus programmer who worked on other games of theirs from that same period, including Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, and Maken X.
Cut Text
Inside the facility\msg\church\ folder you can see some '.bmd' files. These are interesting because there are no sprites connected to the text as with the mantra grid, shop and terminal. Whatever this church thing is is unknown. (At least at the moment). However, three text files are present with this.
Japanese | Translation |
ID:1(msg_1st) メインシステムにログインしました。 何を行いますか? ------------------------------- ID:2(msg_2nd) 何を行いますか? ------------------------------- ID:3(msg_search) 検索する項目を選択してください。 ------------------------------- ID:4(msg_atma_confirm) 再生にはBV[VAR(1)]必要ですが、 再生しますか? ------------------------------- ID:5(msg_exit) メインシステムをログアウトします。 ------------------------------- ID:6(msg_sel01) はい いいえ |
ID:1(msg_1st) Login to Main system. What will you do? ------------------------------- ID:2(msg_2nd) What will you do? ------------------------------- ID:3(msg_search) Select the item to be searched. ------------------------------- ID:4(msg_atma_confirm) 再生にはBV[VAR(1)]必要ですが、 再生しますか? ------------------------------- ID:5(msg_exit) Logout from main system. ------------------------------- ID:6(msg_sel01) Yes No |
This file is just the message
(Test Message) 40 times in a row.
This file is just the message
(Test Message) 40 times in a row.
Regional Differences
To do:
The Auto-Battle button in the European Version got changed from Triangle to Circle.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Atlus
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- Games published by Atlus
- Games published by Ghostlight
- PlayStation 2 games
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- Games released in 2004
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 15
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden level selects
- To do
- Articles needing translation/ja
- Megami Tensei series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
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Games > Games by series > Megami Tensei series