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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

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Title Screen

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Also known as: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax (JP), Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call (EU)
Developer: Atlus
Publishers: Atlus (JP/US), Ghostlight (EU)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: January 29, 2004
Released in US: October 12, 2004
Released in EU: July 1, 2005
Released in KR: 2004

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Cactus feels all lost and stuff.
This page covers the international "Maniax" re-release of Nocturne.
It contains some unique content compared to the original Japanese release.
Remember when YT had a little indifferent face when a video went down? TCRF remembers.
This page or section has one or more broken YouTube links.
Please find an archived version of the video(s) or a suitable replacement.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Maniax is an expanded re-release of the original game, and the only version to be released overseas. Atlus USA ran into a weird copyright issue with the title because of a game named Nocturne that was copyrighted about 5 years prior. Memetically, it featured Dante from the Devil May Cry series due to an Atlus dev being a fan of the games and pitching the crossover. In return, lead character designer Kazuma Kaneko would then design the Devil Trigger forms for Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening.

To do:
Document the Chronicle Edition. Also Document the Localization Prototypes.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debug Options

Leftover Debug Menu Options

Some of the debug options from the vanilla game is present in the Maniax (US) re-release. By using this code, you can in fact access some of the debug options. As you can see, the debug menu got extended quite a bit, and it had a few debug options removed like the Battle Field Test, Model Viewer and Field Test. However, a TGS debug was added, and a PIPE debug (Amala Labyrinth Minigame) was also added. They don't seem to be functional in the final release though.

A build date of Sep 3 2004 20:25:21 is also left over.

L1+Start at main menu to enter a debug option.
D058F142 0000FBF7
202FA340 xxxxxxxx

Sep 3 2004 20:25:21

00104600 MODE SELECT
001042C8 NEW BATTLE TEST (black screen)
001042F0 BATTLE FIELD TEST *removed*
00175960 MODEL COLLISION EDITOR (black screen)
001042F8 KERNAL TEST (black screen)
00104320 EVENT TEST
00104370 FIELD *removed*
001043A0 CAMP TEST
001043F0 SHOP TEST
00104418 RAG TEST
00104490 RESULT2 TEST
001044E0 MODEL VIEWER *removed*
00104510 SOUND TEST (black screen)
00104538 FONT TEST (black screen)
001ABA18 PARTICLE EDITOR (black screen)
001ABA40 SPRITE VIEWER (black screen)
001A8EB0 MAGATUHI EDITOR (black screen)
00104588 STAFF TEST
001045D8 PIPE (black screen)
00104628 TGS (black screen)
(empty placeholder spot at the very bottom of the debug functions)

Battle Debug

Battle debug

There is also a battle debug menu with several debugging options in battle that can be activated.

0054E824 00000001

00428BA8 00000001

0054CE24 00000001

This code will allow you to view and enable a few extra debug displays. While in battle, press L1 to bring up collision display, R1 to look at properties of the demons in battle, L1+R1+L2+R2 to win a battle, and A on a USB keyboard to bring up more info.

For some reason, the North American version has the text in Korean, while the PAL release is in English.

Option Translation Description
1 Alter char Enables you to change character model.
2 Alter HP Enables you to alter your demons' HP.
3 Alter MP Enables you to alter your demons' MP.
4 Alter ailment Enables you to alter the ailment on your demons.
5 Motion test Views the animations of the selected demon.

Note that the fifth option will break all of the text in the game. At least in the US version.

(Source: Punk7890; PepsimanGB)

Unused Graphics

title Folder

SMT-Nocturne-Maniax title.tmx 1.png

An image that translates to "Maniax α1-ROM Version". The "α" here is notably the symbol for Alpha.

SMTLucifersCall-Title-sel.tmx 1.png

Unused language select screen found in the PAL version's files.

TGS Demo Images

SMT-Nocturne-tgs end01.tmx 1.pngSMT-Nocturne-tgs end02.tmx 1.png

Two leftover images from the TGS Maniax demo. They can be found inside 'dds3.img\event\e810\e810\effect. They were used for the TGS demo event that was supposed to be displayed after the demo trial was over. After showing those two images, the game would restart and get ready for the next player.

tgs Folder

There are a lot of leftovers from the Tokyo Game Show demo inside the tgs folder in the PAL version for Maniax. Yes, it isn't in any of the other versions.

Sixth Kalpa Leftover

In dds3.img\fld\f\pnl\, you can find a graphic that hints at there being a sixth kalpa originally in the Maniax release of Nocturne. For some reason, the translation team translated this one.

SMT-Nocturne-Maniacs-df046.tmx 2.png
SMT-Nocturne-Maniacs-ds046.tmx 1.png

Unused Logos

Both of these logos serve as early logo concepts for both localizations.

SMT-Nocturne-Manicas-T logo olg.tmx 1.png
(Source: Original TCRF research)

TGS Demo Saves

These save files can be found inside the tgs folder in the European version. They can only be used on the original JP Maniax version. They contain team setups and items set up by the developers for the demo. Two save files are provided, one at the Dante fight and one in the Amala Labyrinth. Not much is special, although they're worth documenting here. The converted saves can be downloaded below.

Download.png Download TGS Demo Save Files
File: SMT-Nocturne-Maniacs-TGS-Saves.rar (15KB) (info)

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Area


This unused area can be found inside the fifth kalpa. Its ID is 45_001. It has lower quality textures and doors that aren't working properly. However, the walls work, the traps do work and it is a very large area that can only really be seen in its full glory when looking through it on your own. Since it is difficult to navigate through it, the full area isn't shown off here.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Movies

There are a few IPU files in the game's files that aren't used in the final game and are only present in the Maniax release. We can only guess that this is because of the Making of Nocturne documentary that they used a previous version of the game with more content to show off all the unused stuff and later used that for Maniax development.

(Source: KrisanThyme)


This is a render of the second part of the Lilith cutscene. If you look at it properly, you can actually compare it to the version in the documentary and see that it is the exact same. The difference between this and the event viewer movie is that this one has some different lightning.


This bizarre movie is exclusively in the US Maniax files and has never been seen before, yes none of the other versions again. It isn't mentioned in the documentary, nor is it used in the final game. One thing is for sure, it is a prototype movie. Hitoshura is summoning Amaterasu. According to the prototype scripts you were apparently supposed to kill Amaterasu or something.

Unused Models

Early Digital Devil Saga models are exclusively present in the international release. Atlus possibly used Nocturne early on to test the models in-game to see how they would work. The models are present in dds3.img\model\event\new_test.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Leftover TMX Editor


Download.png Download Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne TMX texture editor
File: SMTIIINocturneTexViewer_BE0605.7z (301KB) (info)

This program can be used to create, edit, and export TMX files. The program can import TMX, TM2, BMP, TGA, and has an option for selecting any type of file, though no other formats are guaranteed to work. Images can only be exported as TMX, but come with a variety of options such as pixel/palette format, image wrap settings, and a few ID/comment fields. There are also different viewing options for the alpha transparency data in an image. Palettes can be imported and exported, or simply edited. There's also an option to export a CLUT, a Color Look-Up Table. This text file contains number values for colors used in the working TMX image.

(Source: Original TCRF research)