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The Sims 2: Castaway (PlayStation 2, Wii)

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Title Screen

The Sims 2: Castaway

Also known as: Die Sims 2: Gestrandet (DE), Los Sims 2: Náufragos (ES), The Sims 2: Autiosaari (FI), Les Sims 2: Naufragés (FR), The Sims 2: Island (IT), De Sims 2: Op Een Onbewoond Eiland (NL), The Sims 2: Bezludna Wyspa (PL), Os Sims 2: Náufragos (PT), The Sims 2: Skeppsbruten (SE)
Developer: The Sims Division
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: PlayStation 2, Wii
Released in US: October 22, 2007
Released in EU: October 26, 2007
Released in AU: October 25, 2007

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

The Sims 2: Castaway is an odd spin-off where your Sim crashes onto a remote island and must survive by making a base, cooking food, crafting items, and making friends with monkeys.

This was the sixth and final Sims entry on the PS2, and the second of three Sims games for the Wii.

To do:
  • The Sims 2: Pets leftovers.
  • Death Daisy Potion graphic oddity.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Sims2PS2-FIN floor editoggler.png
Developer Options
Plenty of debugging options left in the game.

Unused Areas

The game normally goes from First Beach to Deep Jungle, with no First Jungle area in-between. But the lot itself still exists and can be loaded. Its exits are First Beach through a regular sandy path, and Deep Jungle that is covered with brambles. Viewing the Island Map while in this lot just says "Not enough energy" when attempting to fast travel anywhere.

It can be accessed with these codes by holding X on PS2 or Z on Wii through the loading screen when walking into a different lot from the current one.

PS2 D18E5302 0000BFFF
00516D40 00000002
D18E3782 0000BFFF
005151C0 00000002
Wii 285221CE 00002000
0049BA9B 00000002
E2000001 80008000
2851E54E 00002000
00497E1B 00000002
E2000001 80008000
(Codes: Edness)

While the First Jungle lot is visible on the Shipwreck Island map, hovering over it will highlight Shipwreck Lagoon.

Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN maplot 2 b.pngSims2CastawayPS2-FIN maplot 2 u.pngSims2CastawayPS2-FIN maplot 2 v.pngSims2CastawayPS2-FIN maplot 2 v h.png

String Label String
urbzui\HouseData\house 02 [0] First Jungle

Unused Graphics

As Castaway was built off of the engine of The Sims 2: Pets, most of the graphics (including unused!) from the game appear in the files.

All of the graphics for the Wants and Fears (including the new and placeholder ones from Pets) are present. Wants and Fears do not appear in Castaway at all and as no new ones were created, it was safe to say it was scrapped very early in development. It could be a bit redundant to upload them to this page, but it is still worth noting.

Category Icons

Two menu category icons designed for this game that go unused.


There are drawn variants of a few items that are normally used in the crafting menu, but are either already given to you at the start of the game, or can only be found during regular gameplay. Items in your inventory just use their action queue icons.

Used Unused
Pocket Knife
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN isPropPocketknife action queue.png
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs tool knife pocket 64.png
Sleeping Mat
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN isBedTowel1x1 action queue.png
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs tool sleeping mat.png
Toilet Paper
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN isPropToiletPaper action queue.png
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs tool toiletpaper 64.png
Conch Shell
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN IsPropConch action queue.png
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs tool conch shell 64.png
Beard Beard's Sword
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN isPropToolSword action queue.png
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs tool sword beardbeard 64.png


Various temporary object and tool icons, which also have "TEMP" written in the background.

Xbox Controller Buttons

Sims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx a.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx b.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx x.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx y.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX whit.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX black.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I D.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I G.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I H.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I I.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx l.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx r.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I S.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Button xbx I V.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Dpad.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX DupB.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX DrtB.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX DlfB.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX DdwB.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl D.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl G.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl H.pngSims2PetsPS2-FIN-cntr XBX Lanl I.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl L.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl R.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl S.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX Lanl V.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX back.pngSims2-Pets-Castaway Cntr XBX strt.png

The Xbox controller graphics are STILL present, all the way from The Sims 2. Considering that the last console was nearing the end of its life by this game's release, it is likely that the Xbox controller graphics are just leftovers.

GameCube Controller Buttons

Sims2-Castaway Button ngc a.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc b.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc x.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc y.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc z.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc l.pngSims2-Castaway Button ngc r.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC Dpad.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC DupB.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC DrtB.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC DlfB.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC DdwB.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC Lanl.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC Ranl.pngSims2-Castaway Cntr NGC start.png

The GameCube controller button graphics are present. It's possible that Castaway originally started development on the GameCube before being moved to the Wii (As they both share similar hardware) and those graphics were just leftovers. But since the GameCube was discontinued at the beginning of 2007 (with the final game being released that Summer), it's more likely that Gamecube controller support was planned for the Wii version.

Unused Goals

The last page of the 5th book "The Biscuit Isles by Lord R. Stickywyck" has a deleted goal.

String Label String
urbzui\NewUIStrings\goal_tab_4_page_2_goal_1 Get Married at the Palace

There's also a cut 7th goal book that only has an icon and title left over.

Icon String Label String
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN cat goals survival3.pngSims2CastawayPS2-FIN cat goals survival3 hi.png urbzui\NewUIStrings\goal_tab_6 TEMP Surviving, Vol.3: Enough, I Want to Go Home <unused>

Unused Objects

Two tables that aren't craftable but still have leftover icons, names, and descriptions.

Icon String Entry & Texture Name Name & Description
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs table 1x2 durable 64.png SimsObjects\TokenCatalogData [499]
Standard Cabin Table
This stocky, but durable table should provide adequate support under the most difficult of circumstances.
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs table 1x2 stylish 64.png SimsObjects\TokenCatalogData [497]
Standard Bungalow Table
This is an amazing table; the result of some serious crafting skill and a delicate touch.

An unused duplicate fish entry. The used variant using the index 276 is named "Speckled Grouper" and also uses this same texture.

Icon String Entry & Texture Name Name & Description
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN ocs fish grouper skeckled.png SimsObjects\TokenCatalogData [262]
Grouper (speckled)
TEMP - describe this fish

Two unused clothing items which have no texture associated with them.

String Entry Name & Description
SimsObjects\TokenCatalogData [283] TEMP - baseball cap
TEMP - maroo
SimsObjects\TokenCatalogData [293] TEMP maori bucket cap
TEMP - maroo

Unused Music

The Create-a-Sim, Build/Buy Mode, and other menu tracks from The Sims 2 and The Sims 2: Pets are present, leftover in the files. The leftover songs are as follows:


Unused Text


String Label String
urbzui\NewUIStrings\cas_arch_accept_prompt TEMP Do you want to change this crew member's occupation and clothing?


The game normally has two endings, but there's a 3rd ending string where the section describing how you chose to escape is missing.

String Label String
urbzui\NewUIStrings\the_end_return Congratulations, ....
Do you want to return to the island and continue the game?

<COLOR_FFFF0000>Note: If you end the game, you will lose all progress since your last save.

Menu Options

Various menu options and headers that don't appear in the game. Many of these seem to have been merged together into a different group.

String Label String
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_decorations OBSOLETE
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_entertainment OBSOLETE
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_fast_food Fast Food
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_fast_food_plan Fast Food Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_fast_tool_plan Fast Tool Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_fast_tools Fast Tools
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_food_plan Food Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_hand_object_plan Hand Object Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_hand_objects Hand Objects
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_object_plans Object Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_resource_plan Resource Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_seed_plan Seed Plans
urbzui\NewUIStrings\header_seeds Seeds

Loading Screen Tips

Text intended to show during the loading screens, where they are all marked as temporary despite having finalized features. No such tips appear in the final game.

Some of them also describe features that don't exist, such as having a weight limited inventory.

String Label String
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_00 TEMP Boxes sometimes wash up on the beach. You can find many useful items in them.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_01 TEMP Heiroglyphics tell a story of times long ago. You will discover a secret if you find all the pieces.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_02 TEMP Collect all the pieces of the treasure map and it will lead your Sim to discover a reward.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_03 TEMP Artifacts can be found all over the islands, and in hard to reach places. Assemble them and discover their ancient function.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_04 TEMP Deserted islands are a great place to collect shells. Have you collected them all yet?
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_05 TEMP You can carry things that you make or find in your inventory, but if it gets too heavy you won't be able to add any more.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_06 TEMP If you get hungry, search around the island for food. But be careful, not everything is good for you.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_07 TEMP Tired of searching for every scrap of food, try growing some of your own. A garden can provide you with a little extra time.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_08 TEMP Fishing is a great way to satisfy your hunger, but making a better fishing pole will get you a bigger catch.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_09 TEMP Chasing animals can be exhausting. You might have better success if your raise your own.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_10 TEMP Shelters are important to your survival. It's no fun sitting through a storm without a sturdy hut to protect you.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_11 TEMP As you discover resources, you will get ideas for making new items. Refer to your plans for making useful things to survive and thrive.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_12 TEMP Tools are important for making new items and collecting resources. Upgrade your tools whenever you can for a better advantage.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_13 TEMP Your clothes will only last so long. Learn to make new clothing items to replace your tattered clothes.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_14 TEMP A firepit is important for warmth and for cooking. It also lifts your spirits to sit beside the fire and relax.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_15 TEMP Learn to cook exotic items and get a power boost from your fabulous food creations.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_16 TEMP Music is good for your Sim. Learn how to make a musical instrument.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_17 TEMP Explore your island and discover the many resources are available for constructing new huts, making tools and or course, eating.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_18 TEMP When the world gets too crazy, freeze it all by holding <BUTTON_0B> and make your decisions in peace.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_19 TEMP Thunderstorms are commonplace in the tropics. Hunker down and ride out the bad weather.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_20 TEMP Your shipmates may be scattered amoung the islands. Explore each island to find your lost Sim friends.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_21 TEMP Chimps are good resource collectors. Learn how to get them to help you to accelerate your pursuits.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_22 TEMP Question: Why did the chicken cross the island.
Answer: You were probably chasing him.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_23 TEMP Just how many fish can a Sim eat? If you see a chicken or pig, chase down a rib sticking meal.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_24 TEMP When your Sim goes swimming, watch for opportunities to dive for clams. Nothing satisfies your hunger like fresh shellfish.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_25 TEMP The Death Daisy sounds like a scary plant, but it will revive a fallen Sim.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_26 TEMP If your Sim samples the wrong food, they might loose their lunch, and they will be exhausted for a while.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_27 TEMP Deserted islands have few conveniences. Make sure your Sim has a place to relieve their bladder.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_28 TEMP Swimming in the ocean is fun, but remember you are not the biggest thing in the sea.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_29 TEMP You can coordinate the activities of your tribe by assigning each of your Sims a task to perform.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_30 TEMP After a hurricane, your hut might need some repairs.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_31 TEMP Most of the building tools support Blueprint Mode, which allows you to view the house top-down and navigate with <BUTTON_03>. Press <BUTTON_07> to toggle Blueprint Mode. <BUTTON_04> manipulates the camera.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_32 TEMP You can prevent those pesky chimps from messing up your hut if you construct shutters for your windows.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_33 TEMP Have you had a long conversation with your sand buddy recently?
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_34 TEMP Use outdoor gates and fences to create backyard pens for your pets.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_35 TEMP Growing your own food can be more or less productive. Select the right food for the land you are growing on.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_36 TEMP Be careful, the animals on the island are not always happy to share their food.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_37 TEMP A crafting bench will be one of your most important items. Your ability to make items and tools will improve the quality of your island life.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_38 TEMP Your Tiki head will let you know what kind of mood your Sim is in. A mad face is never a good thing to see.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_39 TEMP Your wits and skills will get your Sim through. Learn the arts of survival, and your Sims island life will be charmed.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_40 TEMP After living on the island for a while, you will know why they call the Coconut the fruit of life.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_41 TEMP Unhappy Sims tend to shy away from learning new things. Cover your basic needs.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_42 TEMP Watch your motives, your Sim will do thier best if you manage their needs.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_43 TEMP Sloppyness has its rewards, but don't try to improve your relationships when you smell bad.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_44 TEMP The better your Sims skills are, the easier it is to gather food and make tools.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_45 TEMP Island life can be very relaxing if you first tend to your basic needs.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_46 TEMP Dispose of your trash in the fire pit, or it will collect and foul up your environment.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_47 TEMP When your Sim makes new tools, new opportunities will become available to you.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_48 TEMP Fruits and berries will add somthing special to any meal.
urbzui\NewUIStrings\loading_hint_49 TEMP Sleeping on the beach might sound like fun, but your Sim could be in for a surprise in the middle of the night.

Unused Files

For whatever reason creating copies of save files on the PS2 version are prohibited. But despite that, there's an icon for copying the save file which under normal circumstances would never be seen.


Looks very similar to the default save icon, except it has an extra sprout on the ground next to the buried plumbob.

And there's also a placeholder icon.sys and some unknown/unused slime1 - 3.ico save icons, which are also present in The Sims 2 and The Sims 2: Pets and can be read about here.

Development-Related Text

Compile Log

A log file with over 5MB of compile info is found in the root. It has quite a lot of information, nothing too juicy though.

Download.png Download The Sims 2: Castaway (Wii) Compile File
File: TS2CA_-_eorwb.rar (Compressed: 349KB; Uncompressed: 5MB) (info)


Found in log, this appears to be the remnants from a debugger/logger. How it was used is unknown.

Download.png Download The Sims 2: Castaway (Wii) Log Folder
File: TS2CA_-_log_.rar (Compressed: 8KB; Uncompressed: 26.5KB) (info)


Basically contains the version of the game.



Appears to be the build date of the SDK tools used to compile the game.


Lot Errors

Most of the compile file lists some error and debug messages, never seen in the game. Most of it is made up of various errors with lots.

 * Level lot_14 has routing islands for sims!
* Level lot_14 has routing islands for boars and chimps!
* Level lot_26 has routing islands for sims!

lBuild Confirmations

The log also has lines stating build dates, file conversions, and multiple error messages.

[8/23/2007 19:49:42] Building Datasets... [8/23/2007 19:49:42] Making Datasets... Making Datasets
Converting Maya files
Processing Maya files list from node Datasets
Maya file conversion time: 0:0.12
Converting Max files Max file conversion time: 0:-0.24 Datasets folder took: 0:1.01
Processing Time: 0:1.02 done.

Developer Notes

QA Read Me

A "readme" is located in scripts/qa/. It's pretty self-explanatory.

This folder contains Lua test scripts that were created by the QA/Autotest team.
There shoudl be no dependency on these files from the game side, but it's okay for these files to use files from teh game side.

-Eivind (ehagen@maxis.com)


Contains multiple notes from a developer on how not to compile code and layouts for the game.

// Must have a delay before doing the initial ReadCookie.  Who woulda figured that Javascript would
// have thread timing issues.   Sheesh.

A note explaining how to deal with a certain script error.

// Important Note: DO NOT modify this file in engine/logger/scripts unless you
// wish to change the default settings for everyone.  You should only modify the copy of this file in
// your output/disks/[platform]/logs directory.  When the game is compiled, a check will be done to 
// see if the version of this file in the engine/logger/scripts directory or the version in the 
// output/disks/[platform]/logs directory is newer.  If the version in your logs directory is newer,
// the global version of this file (in the enginer/logger/scripts directory) will not be copied and
// your version will be kept.  Thus, changes made to your local copy will remain unless 
//    1) the version in engine/logger/scripts is newer
// or 2) you erase your copy in your logs directory.

Another note warning the user not to delete the .js file.

Debugging Material

Throughout the logs are many sources and mentions of a debug mode being used throughout development, however it is currently unknown at this time if you are able to access these features.

log_level = info
; filter this channel from the debugger

(Above) Presumably settings for adjusting the debug channel.

log_level = all
formatter = simple
formatter_settings = none
GENERAL = none
MEMORY = none
SOUND = none
EDITH = none
CAS = none
UI = none
UI_CORE = none
APT = none
TIMING = none
ASSET = none
WEATHER = none

(Above) A complete list of toggled debug settings.

#nomenu = 0         # skip the menu?
#mute = 0         # mute the sound?
 #nocountdown = 0      # skip the countdown?
#fps = 0            # display fps counter?
#enableprintf = 0   # display debug text to console?

(Above) Even more settings.

Version Differences

Language Select

The Wii version has a significantly fewer amount of available languages in the European release. It's missing Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, and Greek.

PlayStation 2 Wii
Sims2CastawayPS2-FIN LangSelect.png Sims2CastawayWII-FIN LangSelect.png

The font texture font_frankfur_s24_p0 in the Wii release is identical to the one found in the PS2 release, meaning it still contains all the necessary letters for the languages that weren't included.

Sims2CastawayWII-FIN font frankfur s24 p0.png