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The Sims 4

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Title Screen

The Sims 4

Also known as: Les Sims 4 (FR), Die Sims 4 (DE), Los Sims 4 (ES), De Sims 4 (NL)
Developers: Maxis, The Sims Studio
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Released in JP: September 4, 2014
Released in US: September 2, 2014
Released in EU: September 4, 2014
Released in UK: September 5, 2014
Released in AU: September 4, 2014

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Spend $40, get newer experience!
This game is receiving new content, by way of Expansion Packs and/or Downloadable Content.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used in the future. If this does happen, please specify as such!
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Unreleased/Leaked DLC,if possible.
  • Lots and lots of revisional changes.
  • Legacy Edition differences.
This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: This is just an unorganized mess, honestly.

The Sims 4 is the fourth mainline entry in the iconic The Sims series, releasing with with simplified gameplay and even more missing features compared to previous base games. It suffered from developmental beginnings as an always-online multiplayer game (like The Sims Online...but not a certain other game in the franchise). It has become infamous since then for its rapidly growing tower of paid DLC that blots out the sun, and may well reach it in the nigh future.

The console version, which is nearly identical to the PC version, came out four years after the initial PC release. The base game was made free-to-play on all platforms on October 18, 2022, with anyone who purchased the game being given a limited window to snatch up an extremely beige DLC for free.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.


Ts4 antipiracy.png

If the game detects that it is pirated (in versions of the game before it was made free-to-play), then after a Sim performs an action that induces the "mosaic censor" effect (showering, using the toilet, etc.), the mosaic will permanently expand to the entire screen, eventually turning the game into a nearly-unplayable pixelated mess.

(Source: Forbes)

Inaccessible Lot Traits

The following traits exist within the game's code with proper descriptions but are inaccessible:

  • Cheap: Rent is cheaper than average for this Apartment.
  • Low Deposit: The deposit for this apartment is suspiciously low...
  • Pricey: Rent is higher than average for this Apartment.

If hacked in, only the Pricey trait has any effect, indefinitely granting a Happy moodlet bonus to Sims called "Only the Finest."

Debug Cheats

To do:
More documentation:
  • Check which of these cheats works on console.
  • A list of all cheats can be found here.
  • A spreadsheet of cheats can be downloaded here.

Use the cheat console (Press CTRL+⇧ Shift+C on PC, or hit all four shoulder triggers simultaneously on console) to enter these cheats...

Smoke Test Cheats

These cheats were used to help the game run by itself without any human intervention, so developers could just leave their machines on overnight.

  • households.autopay_bills - Automatically pay bills.
  • ui.dialog.auto_respond - Automatically responds to any dialog boxes with "Cancel". If Cancel is unavailable, it picks something at random.

Soak Cheats

These were used to stress-test the engine during development. Simply put, they summon in random Sims that perform the role of services.

  • soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation - Enable a Handyman
  • soak.create_soak_handyman_situation - Call a Handyman
  • soak.enable_soak_maid_situation - Enable a Maid
  • soak.create_soak_maid_situation - Call a Maid
  • soak.enable_soak_party_situation - Enable a Party
  • soak.create_soak_party_situation - Call a Party

Buy Debug

Enter bb.showhiddenobjects into the cheat console. Then enter the word "debug" into the search filter in Build or Buy mode to view and buy all unbuyable objects, ranging from forks to fishing ponds.

Testing Cheats

As with every Sims game since the second, there is a testing cheat that enables more advanced debug features. Enter testingcheats on to enable these features...

Shift+Click Commands

These commands will appear if you hold SHIFT and click one of the following...

The Ground

  • Teleport Here: Warps your currently-selected Sim direct to that tile. Only works on tiles Sims can move around on, naturally.

A Sim

  • Add to Family: Self-explanatory.
  • Cheat Motive > Disable Need Decay: Stops motives from decaying. Never poop again!
  • Cheat Motive > Enable Need Decay: Resumes motive decay.
  • Cheat Motive > Make Happy: Sets all motives to full and puts the Sim in a happy mood.
  • Modify in CAS: Pulls the Sim into the editor.

An Object

  • Reset Object: Revert the object to its default state.
  • Make Dirty: Self-explanatory.
  • Make Clean: Self-explanatory.

Additional Cheats

These cheats are unlocked by enabling testing cheats:

  • cas.fulleditmode - Enable editing existing Sims using the full, unlocked Create A Sim editor.

Unused Textures

TS4 Unused texture gizmo.png The Sims 4 build mode 1024x576 27479813.jpg USED IN Prerelease ref:00B2D882!00000000!BB2E48CFE9F835C1 same as new instance!
Ts4 manqa.png Ts4 precasdemob.jpg USED IN Prerelease in cas thumbnail full body ref:3453CF95!00000000!3F759FB9B7BF816B
Ts4 thunbmnqb.png Ts4 percasdemov.jpg USED IN Prerelease in cas thumbnail for faces -
Ts4 thummnqc.png Ts4 precasdemo.jpg USED IN Prerelease in cas thumbnail for faces -
Ts4 thumbmnq.png Ts4precasdemoc.jpg USED IN Prerelease in cas thumbnail full body -

Development Textures

REF Dev for diffuse map UV:

Unused Development Icons

Unused UI Elements

Image Name Reference
TS4 PHINFTEST.png PHINFTEST 0x00000000!0x58968F75FF239640 0x00B2D882

Placeholder Images

Placeholder Map UI

Placeholder Dream Graphics

CAS Test Preset Previews

Map Areas

Placeholder Preview Description Accessible? Reference DLC?
Ts4 ui test map.png N/A N/A NO 5200367149e1439b N/A
TS4 UIMAPSPS1.png N/A BGDebug_MegaLotsTestWorld NO 000000000001C9BF N/A
TS4 UIMAPSPS2.png N/A PERFTEST_GD_GardenCommunity_01 NO 0000000000007B5C N/A
N/A N/A Chiron_OneLot Test World NO 0000000000005299 N/A
N/A N/A sqeEmptyLotArea Test World NO 0000000000005297 N/A
N/A N/A sqeGameplayProfileArea3 Test World NO 000000000000529A N/A
N/A N/A Chiron_OneLot_Cliff Test World NO 000000000000529B N/A
TS4 UIMAPSPS3.png N/A Magalog_9lot_World_01 NO 000000000000F534 N/A
N/A N/A GalleryLotBuildWorld N/A 000000000000F535 N/A
N/A TS4 MAGICW.png GP08_MagicRealm_01 YES VIA PORTAL 00000000000365C2 YES GP08
TS4 LAB.png TS4 PICLAB.png EP01_ScienceLab_01 YES BE SCIENTIST 0000000000011C11 YES EP01
N/A TS4 STUDIO.png Plumbob Pictures: Where the Magic Happens! AKA EP06_Studio_01 YES BE ACTOR 0000000000030421 YES EP06
N/A TS4 MOUN.png EP10_BaseCamp_01 YES BE IN EP10 MAP AND CLIMB to the Mon 000000000003C81B YES EP10
N/A TS4 MOUN.png EP10_BaseCamp_02 YES BE IN EP10 MAP AND CLIMBto the Mon 000000000003C89F YES EP10
N/A TS4 MOUN.png EP10_BaseCamp_03 YES BE IN EP10 MAP AND CLIMB to the Mon 000000000003C59E YES EP10
TS4 CIVICCN.png TS4 PS.png EP01_CivicCenter_01 YES BE DETECTIVE 0000000000011B13 YES EP01
TS4 CEVIC2.png TS4 HOSPI.png EP01_CivicCenter_02 YES BE DOCTOR or give birth 00000000000158A1 YES EP01
N/A N/A SeasonsArtTestWorld NO 000000000002AC8B N/A
N/A TS4 HFOREST.png GP01_HermitDwelling_01 YES FIND CAVE IN Forest 00000000000101CD YES GP01
TS4 8FORG.png TS4 CAVE.png SO_RBH_Cave_01 YES LV10 HANDY AND GO TO THE CAVE IN SO 000000000000BB21 NO BG

Unused Animation

A download to restore the rangeOfMotion animation to adult models can be found here.

Unused Characters

Unused VFX

To do:
Full VFX list here.
texture prev ref
TS4 TEMPLATESPRITESVFX.png Ts4 proof spawnervfx.png 0x00000000!0xBFFF77F4CBF88118 0x00B2D882

Unused Models

Unused Gizmos

These gizmos exist in the game, but go unused:

TS4 Unused gizmo V2.png



Type Spawners & Gizmos

TS4 MAIN SPAWN.png Main spawner / secondary spawner / Spawner Arrival TS4 MAINSPAWNER TEXTURE.png WIP
TS4 SECONDERY SPAWNEXIT.png Spawner used to bypass sim or exit/ALT spawn sim. Spawner Walkby / Spawner RearWalkby / Spawner VisitorArrival TS4 TEXTURE SPAWNER2.png WIP
Ts4 spawned t1.png Spawner effect can be access with debug mode but to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE SPAWNER1.png WIP
St4 spawner t2.png Spawner effect can be access with debug mode but to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE SPAWNER2.png WIP
Ts4 spawner attractor.png Used to attract specific sim/pet based the instruction to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE SPAWNER2.png WIP
Ts4 spawner bmmode noobj.png Used to attract specific sim base the instruction but use no obj only bm to use it need "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** N/A WIP
Ts4 spawner usgizmo.png Spawner effect can be accessed with debug mode but shaped like gizmo, to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 Unused texture gizmo.png WIP
TS4 SPAWNER INSHAPEGIZMO.png Spawner effect can be accessed with debug mode but shaped like gizmo, to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE GIZMO.png WIP
TS4 GIZMO LIGHT.png Gizmo light, to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE GIZMO LIGHTANDVFX.png WIP
TS4 GIZMO LIGHTAIR.png Gizmo light, to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE GIZMO LIGHTANDVFX.png WIP
TS4 GIZMO VFX.png Gizmo vfx & SFX, to use it requires "special advance debug" ***(EDIT MODE)*** TS4 TEXTURE GIZMO LIGHTANDVFX.png WIP
TS4 GIZMOBM.png Gizmo marker N/A WIP

Block Models

Explanation of block models from The Sims Mobile
To do:
Is this more pre-release material?
(Source: simscommunity)

Ts4 DIhUP0VXoAEHddo-300x239.jpg Ts4 Laundry prototype screenshot 877057132.jpg

(Source: simsvip)

Development Text

* The Sims 4
* Copyright 2021 Electronic Arts Inc.

   widgetlist.xml is used to define all widgets that are loaded into the game.
   A <widget> should be defined as a new element inside <widgets>.  Widgets are ordered by name.
   <gameStates> are individually defined and each contain a list of valid widgets.  
   A <widget> can define its visibility and positioning per gamestate. 
   GameState widgets are ordered by layering priority (top to bottom).
   Below is an example of the xml structure used.
   Optional elements/attributes are marked with '#' and contain their default values.
   If a platform is specified, the widget definition will only be loaded on that platform. If platform is not specified the properties 
   apply to all platforms.
   Current supported platforms are "PC" & "CONSOLE".

   //                      !!!! PLEASE READ !!!!
   // Whenever a widget is added its telemetry event names must be added to 
   // the telemetry data dictionary so that the changes are correctly
   // interpreted by the BI team.
   // This document is located in perforce at:
   //   //depot/Sims4Projects/Docs/Engineering/Telemetry/Data Dictionary for Telemetry events.xlsm
   // If you have any questions, please ping the UI engineering group or
   // the Maxis BI team.

Revisional Differences

To do:
But wait, there's more! This deserves its own page due to the sheer number of changes this game got between 2014 and now. This video will help.

In 2019, the game (and the Sims franchise as a whole) received a brand refresh, which included a new logo and Plumbob design, among other things. The splash screen and some menus were changed to accommodate this.

Patch 0-81 Patch 82-present
The Sims 4-title.png The Sims 4-title-2019.png