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Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PlayStation 3)

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Title Screen

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, iOS, Android
Released internationally: December 11, 2014 (Windows)
Released in JP: December 15, 2011 (PS3/360), September 25, 2015 (iOS/Android)
Released in US: January 31, 2012
Released in EU: February 3, 2012
Released in AU: February 2, 2012

ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
  • Add more debug options and elaborate on them. Use this page as an example.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the second game in the so-called Lightning Trilogy, though you spend the majority of the game playing as her sister and her new companion. Also, time-traveling!

Unused Audio

To do:
Add other files, including Serah's.

As with characters in Final Fantasy XIII, Serah and Noel have quotes for the start of battles, with two variants for normal and strong opponents. Like several other audio files, there are multiple quotes within each file and some are reused, depending on the location they're used in. There are also files that correspond to quotes for using Techniques in the previous game, a feature that is absent in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

Audio File name Quotes
Mnl_U00_st_L.ps3 "This might be rough!"
"I sense a challenge!"
Mnl_U00_st_S.ps3 "*yawn* Let's go."
"This'll only take a second!"
Mnl_U01_st_L.ps3 "Show no fear!"
"This is gonna be fun!"
Mnl_U01_st_S.ps3 "This looks easy!"
"Got no time to play."
Mnl_U10_st_L.ps3 "My chance to shine!"
"Bring it on!"
Mnl_U10_st_S.ps3 "Let's knock 'em down!"
"Ready to be hunted?"
Mnl_U11_st_L.ps3 "We're gonna stay and fight!"
"We need to win this battle!"
Mnl_U11_st_S.ps3 "Get in my way and you're dead!"
"This'll be over soon!"
Mnl_U20_st_L.ps3 "This might take a while!"
"Be strong, Serah!"
Mnl_U20_st_S.ps3 "This should be easy!"
"Let's go, Serah!"
Mnl_U50_st_L.ps3 "Bring it on!"
"Time to get serious!"
Mnl_U50_st_S.ps3 "Ready to be hunted?"
"I plan on winning this one!"
Mnl_U60_st_L.ps3 "Wasn't expecting this!"
"This is the real deal!"
Mnl_U60_st_S.ps3 "The hunt is on!"
"Keep it simple."
Mnl_U01_tp.ps3 "I'll show you what I can do."
"Now's the time!"
Mnl_U10_tp.ps3 "We can't lose now!"
"Let's mix it up!"
Mnl_U20_tp.ps3 "Let's do this!"
"How's this?"
Mnl_U30_tp.ps3 "Watch this, Caius!"
"We won't give up!"
Mnl_U40_tp.ps3 "Why not?"
"Let's try this out!"
Mnl_U51_tp.ps3 "How's this for ya?"
"Your time is up."

Unused Pre-Rendered Cutscenes


This unused pre rendered cutscene file is in the white_z0130u_img.ps3.bin file on the PlayStation 3 version and is supposed to be used in the Head's or Tail DLC. the cutscene is incomplete as it lacks facial animation for the characters, some missing lightning and has a place holder audio track with no effects, music and ambient sounds.


Debug Menu


  • 1. In a decrypted EBOOT, apply the following modifications to enable a debug mode.

0001A9B4 li r3, 0x1 // Mode, set to any value from 0-5 (0 = M_DBG, 1 = M_REL, 2 = M_ALPHA, 3 = M_BETA, 4 = M_TGS, 5 = M_E3)
0000B2B4 in eboot, replace 38600001 with 38600000X

0001AA58 beq 0x0001AAE8 // NOP for debug boot menu (0x00000000)
0000B358 in eboot, replace 4182062E0 with 60000000

0001A384 li r3, 0x1 // Mode, set to any value from 0-5 (0 = M_DBG, 1 = M_REL, 2 = M_ALPHA, 3 = M_BETA, 4 = M_TGS, 5 = M_E3)
0000AC84 in eboot, change 38600001 to 3860000X

0001A428 beq 0x0001AAE8 // NOP for debug boot menu
0000AD28 in eboot, change 418206C0 to 60000000


Do note that the texture file isn't fully complete and will display missing kanji every so often.

(Source: fkualol)
  • This debug menu can also be accessed on the PC steam version of the game with an mod manager called Nova Chrysalia.

Controller 1

The following menus can be accessed with Controller 1.

Boot Menu

FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu1.png
Option Translation
フィールドテスト Field Test
バトルテスト Battle Test
イベントテスト Event Test
ムービーテスト Movie Test
モーションテス Motion Test
CrystalTools Crystal Tools

Field Test FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu2.png

This allows you to select any area to warp to.

Battle Test FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu4.png

This allows you to enter battles with specific settings.

Motion Test FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu5.png FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu6.png FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu7.png

This allows you to view any of the models in the game.

Controller 2

The following menus can be accessed with Controller 2.

Known controls:

  • Select enables a free camera mode.
  • R1 for frame-by-frame movement.
  • L1 + R1 for regular framerate.
  • Square / Triangle for debug menu navigation.
  • Start hides debug menu / debug information.

Menu 0

FINAL FANTASY XIII2-debugmenu3.png

Option Translation Option Translation
カメラX回転 Camera X Rotation カメラY回転 Camera Y Rotation
グリッド Grid Scene Wire Scene Wire
Floor Wire Floor Wire バトルログ Battle Log
キャラデバッグ情報 Character Debug Info タイムスケール Time Scale
デバッグカメラ速度 Debug Camera Speed イベントスキップ(Only-EventTest) Event Skip (Event Test Only)
仮想負荷レベル Virtual Load Level Back To BootMenu Back To Boot Menu
Dump Information to File Dump Information to File DebugDraw Debug Draw
Use JP Font (日本語) Use JP Font (Japanese) PC重力無視 Ignore PC Gravity
コリジョン表示 Collision Display オクルーダー描画 Draw Occluder
ワイヤーフレーム描画 Draw Wireframe AddOccluder100 Add Occluder 100
オーバーラップ表示 Overlap Display システムログ System Log
形状コリジョン Shape Collision フィールドエフェクト Field Effect
フィールドジャンプ Field Jump ポーズ君・改(01)
ファイル読み込み遅延 File Load Delay

Menu 2 (FieldAI)

TaskManagerDraw pathSartch pathSartchBlock Acthive_[arealist_a0000] PathTest MainAiSeeTest HomePosition_Disp
PopPosition_Disp ProgDbg EyeLine_Disp SpecialToAggressive DebugStatus AiDisp SceneHiMoveInstanceCount

Menu 3 (Battle)

Option Translation Option Translation
PC無敵 PC Invincibility メンバー無敵 Member Invincibility
エネミー無敵 Enemy Invincibility PC攻撃力最大 PC Attack Power Maxed
エネミー攻撃力最大 Enemy Attack Power Maxed ユーザーATB最大 User ATB Maxed
PC一撃ブレイク攻撃 PC Hit Break Attack ATBスピード ATB Speed
AI停止 AI Interrupt PC自動操縦 PC Autopilot
過剰演出カメラ Surplus Cinema Camera 演出カメラ軌跡 Cinema Camera Path
強制ノンアグスタート Force Non-Aggressive Start 召喚時間無制限 Unlimited Summon Time
←デバッグキャラ→ ←Debug Character→ ログ Log
キャラ力場表示 Character Gravity Display 構図ガイド Composition Guide
召喚イベント Summon Event ドライヴ値MAX Drive Points Maxed
ドライヴ旧式カメラ Drive Old-style Camera ドライブモード編集 Edit Drive Mode
AI Info AI Info PC以外の味方を戦闘不のう Non-PC Allies Can't Fight
ターゲット以外の敵を戦闘不のう Non-Targeted Enemies Can't Fight

Menu 4 (Sound)

Option Translation Option Translation
soundTest Sound Test soundtest2 Sound Test 2
デバッグひょう示 Debug Display Bus1(Music) Volume Bus 1 (Music) Volume
Bus2(SE) Volume Bus 2 (SFX) Volume Bus3(Voice) Volume Bus 3 (Voice) Volume
Bus4(Menu) Volume Bus 4 (Menu) Volume Bus5(Env) Volume Bus 5 (Environment) Volume
Bus6(FootStep) Volume Bus 6 (Footstep) Volume EnableResourceInfo Enable Resource Info

Regional Differences

Various English UI elements and battle system terms in the Japanese version were changed in the English version. Interestingly, the term "Paradigm Shift" was used in the Japanese version of the game, as opposed to "Optima Change" in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII.

Japanese English
Attacker Commando
Blaster Ravager
Defender Sentinel
Jammer Saboteur
Enhancer Synergist
Healer Medic
Attack Paladin Paladin
Blast Wizard Mage
Blast Shaman Shaman
Defense Knight Knight
Enhance Adept Conjurer
Jamming Witch Sorcerer
Enemy Target
Synchro Drive Feral Link
Break! Stagger
Blood Damage Wound Damage
Battle Result Battle Results
Rank Rating
Items Spoils
Crystal Points Crystogen Points
  • One of the songs in the game, "Unseen Intruder", which plays while exploring the Bresha Ruins, has its vocals removed in the international versions. Additional instrumentation is added in its place.
  • The Japanese version has some exclusive DLC that is obtained from a code that is packaged with three pieces of media. They are as follows:
    • "Gift of the Songstress" - Included with the "Yakusoku no Basho" single. Adds the accessories Delicate Diva's Microphone, Delicate Diva's Headphones, Diva's Microphone and Diva's Headphones.
    • "Gospel of the Goddess" - Included with the mini-soundtrack. Adds the accessories Delicate Goddess's Bangle, Delicate Goddess's Earring, Goddess's Bangle and Goddess's Earring.
    • "Stiltzkin's Diary" - Included with Famitsu Weekly Issue #1203. Adds the accessories Stiltzkin's Diary and Durable Stiltzkin's Diary.

Version Differences

PlayStation 3

  • In the Japanese PS3 version, the game's main theme song, "New World", is performed by Mai Fukui and is titled "Yakusoku no Basho" (lit. "The Promised Place"). The instrumentation is also slightly arranged.
  • Having save data from Final Fantasy XIII grants an XMB theme.

Xbox 360

  • In the Japanese Xbox 360 version, the game's main theme song, "New World", is performed by Jake Zyrus (credited as Charice). This version of the song was also used in the international releases of both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
  • Having save data from Final Fantasy XIII grants a gamer pic.


  • English or Japanese voice overs are selectable. When set to English, the music changes that were made in the localized console versions apply, while in Japanese, the original songs will play.
  • The Eternal Crystal, a key item which is provided to the player when they have a save file from Final Fantasy XIII, is available by default.
  • The DLC from the console versions is included, save for the Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed related DLC. Furthermore, the extra DLC chapters are only available after defeating the final boss, as opposed to after Chapter 2 in the console versions.


Revisional Differences

Version 1.01

  • Released December 15, 2011 for the Japanese version's launch.
  • Added "Downloadable Content" menu to the title screen to access and purchase DLC.
  • Added "Outfits" menu to the main menu to change outfits for Noel, Serah and Mog.

Version 1.02

  • Released January 31, 2012, at the launch of the international versions.
  • The Arbiter of Time now appears in -Coliseum ??? AF- and the Coliseum Challenge List. The introduction for Omega is also changed.
  • In -Coliseum ??? AF-, a treasure sphere now appears that contains 5 monster materials. The Supply Sphere Access Code, obtained in New Bodhum 700 AF, is required to open it.
  • The following items were added to Chocolina's Shop: Genji Shield with 6 adornments: Wizard's Hat, Blue Mage's Chapeau, Afro & Silver Chick, Silver Windup Key, Cute Heart and Unicorn Mart Logo.

Version 1.03

  • Released February 3, 2012.
  • Implemented support for Facebook to post story progress and party monsters to a user's wall.

Version 1.04

  • Released February 21, 2012.
  • Implemented support for "Sazh: Heads or Tails?" DLC episode.
  • The following items were added to Chocolina's Shop: Genji Helm, Delicate Genji Helm, Delicate Genji Glove and Delicate Genji Shield with 6 adornments: Rangda Crest, Leyak Crest, Zwerg Ring, Chocobo Chick, Tonberry's Lantern and Blue Beacon.

Version 1.05

  • Released March 27, 2012.
  • Added 6 new adornments: Gold Windup Key, Blue Party Hat, Red Bow Tie, Yellow Ribbon, Silk Hat and Bushy Mustache.
  • Implemented support for additional DLC.

Version 1.06

  • Released May 15, 2012 and is the latest version to date.
  • Implemented support for "Lightning's Story: Requiem of the Goddess" and "Snow: Perpetual Battlefield" DLC episodes.
  • Added 7 new adornments: Pink Moogle Bobble, Yellow Bow Tie, Crystal Tear, Crystal Feather, Afro & Gold Chick, Dajh's Patch and Silver PSICOM Spaulders.
  • Added 1 new accessory: Bloody Medallion.
