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Title Screen


Developer: gameLab
Publisher: LEGO
Platform: Adobe Shockwave
Released internationally: 2001

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Unused Text

Near the beginning of 0004b2ea.fff, at EA are 2 strings from an early build of the game:

load/save from disk instead of internet
Access to Development Levels

Found at 42E58 in 000041bf.dat, possibly related to the above strings:

Debugging Utility Functions

Present at 80A34 in 000041bf.dat, this self-explanatory string strongly hints at the existence of unused levels:

unused levels

At 80855 in 000041bf.dat, are the names of two of the game's developers and a file path:

Tikko - Moonmilk
Peter Lee - gameLab
C:\Documents and Settings\ranjit.GMLB-INTERNAL\My Documents\lego\

Starting at 63ECB and 65D8C in 000041bf.dat is a large chunk of text relating to Lingo, the programming language used by Shockwave:

This behavior allows you to display a given string in a field or text member.
se it with the Tooltip and Hypertext - Display Status behaviors which need a field or text member in which to display their information.
Or create your own custom Lingo to display runtime information, such as the position of the mouse.
This behavior waits for Lingo commands to tell it what to do.
It is not active by itself.
You can choose between two display types: tooltip and status bar.
The TOOLTIP type of display will make the field or text member resize itself to fit the text, and disappear when it is empty.
You can set the tooltip type display to appear at any position on the stage, such as under the cursor.
If no position is sent to the sprite, it will appear at the top left corner of the Stage.
See the Tooltip behavior for more details.
If you wish to display several lines of text, you must use RETURN characters to define the line breaks.
An empty tooltip sprite will move off-stage to hide.
It is recommended that you place it off-stage before it is used, in case it causes a brief flash on the screen.
The STATUS BAR type of display will appear on Stage at all times.
It will not resize or change position.
Any positional information sent to this sprite will be ignored if it is set to act as a status bar.
If the text is too long to appear in the member of the current sprite, a scrollbar will appear.
You do not need to divide the text with RETURN characters.
f you think that a scrollbar may be necessary, make sure that the field or text member is sufficiently tall for the scroll arrows to operate correctly.
Set the font size and other characteristics of the field or text member to customize the appearance of the message.
Be sure to give the field or text member a name.
It may be emptied by this behaviour.
Director automatically erases nameless empty members.
field and text
* Display type:
2  - Tooltip (appears near the cursor on rollover)
:  - Status bar (appears in a fixed position at all times)
* Set the text to display (and the position of the sprite)
* Tooltip
* Source Status
* Hypertext - Display Status
Use with field or text members.
Waits for a message from another behavior or custom handler to display a character string.
his behavior is intended to be used with the Tooltip and Hypertext - Display Status behaviors to create a status bar or a tooltip under the cursor.
%status bar (fixed size and position)
$tooltip (dynamic size and position)
$BEHAVIOR ERROR: Frame ^0, Sprite ^1
Behavior ^2
The DisplayText_SetText handler could not treat the following as a string:
^3      ^0      ^1      ^2      ^3
$BEHAVIOR ERROR: Frame ^0, Sprite ^1
Behavior ^2
JThe DisplayText_SetText handler could not treat the following as a point:
^3      ^0      ^1      ^2      ^3
Display Text sprite behaves as a
%status bar (fixed size and position)
%status bar (fixed size and position)
$tooltip (dynamic size and position)
Generates a tool tip when the user rolls over the sprite.
NOTE: This behavior calls the 'Display Text' behavior to actually show the message.
The 'Display Text' behavior must be attached to a different sprite which contains either a Field or a Text member.
If such a sprite exists, it will automatically be selected in the Behavior Parameters dialog.
f you wish the Tooltip to appear in a given position relative to the current sprite, choose the appropriate position in the Behavior Parameters dialog, and ensure that the associated 'Display Text' behavior is set to act as a Tooltip.
If the 'Display Text' behavior is set to act as a Status Bar, then it will ignore any position data and appear in a fixed position).
ou can choose to have the tooltip appear immediately on rollover, or to appear only if the mouse remains over the sprite for a given period.
You can also choose to have the tooltip disappear if the user clicks on the sprite.
The Behavior Parameters dialog has limited space for entering a tool tip message.
In particular, it will not accept a string which contains the RETURN character.
If you need to display a long Tooltip which consists of several lines of text, and which must appear at the position of this sprite, then you must use send a message to this behavior containing the requiresd string.
For example:
SendSprite (1, #Tooltip_SetMessage,       "     This message consists     "     &RETURN&      "     of two lines of text      "     )
This would produce the following message when the mouse rolls over sprite 1:
This message consists
of two lines of text
If the tooltip generated by this behavior is to be diplayed in a Status bar then this step may be needed.
The 'Display Text' behavior will ensure that a long line of text is wrapped in the Status bar, and that scroll bars appear if necessary.
* Tool tip to display (single-line string)
* Delay before displaying tool tip (0 - 2 seconds)
* Hide tool tip if sprite is clicked? (TRUE | FALSE)
* Position of tool tip relative to the sprite
(This will be ignored if the 'Display Text' behavior is set to act as a status bar).
* Number of the sprite where tool tip is to be displayed.
(This sprite should have the 'Display Text' behavior attached to it.
If the given sprite is moved an authortime alert will invite you to update the Behavior Parameters).
Set the tooltip message (allows the RETURN character)
Obtain behavior reference
Display Text - ESSENTIAL - must be attached to a Field or Text sprite which covers the same span of frames.
You can find the 'Display Text' behavior in the Library Palette, under Controls > Display Text.
Use with any type of member.
Generates a tool tip message when the mouse is over the sprite.
his behavior requires that the 'Display Text' behavior be available on a Field or Text sprite to display the messages that it generates.
If no such sprite is available an alert will appear (authortime only).
The parameter set for the associated 'Display Text' behavior determines whether the tool tip message appears in a Status Bar or as a temporary Tooltip display over or near this sprite.
centered above
centered below
at topLeft
at topRight
at bottomLeft
at bottomRight
at regPoint
under the mouse
Display Text
Sprite ^3 did not respond to a #DisplayText call.
Another sprite will be used.
Please open the Behavior Parameters dialog to choose the correct sprite for displaying the Tooltip message.
^0      ^1      ^2      ^3
%BEHAVIOR ERROR: Frame ^0, Sprite ^1
Behavior ^2
No sprites responded to a #DisplayText call.
Please ensure that the '^3' behavior is attached to a Field or Text Sprite in the same frames as Sprite ^1.
^0      ^1      ^2      ^3
Display Text
Text of tool tip
Insert your single-line tool tip here
Pause before showing tool tip (ticks)
Hide tool tip if user clicks on sprite?
Tool tip position relative to sprite (see notes)
centered above
at topLeft
at topRight
at bottomLeft
at bottomRight
centered below
at regPoint
under the mouse
Use which sprite to display tooltip?