LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, Mac OS X)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes |
Developer: TT Games
To do:
Loki joins forces with Galactus, so it's up to the Marvel Super Heroes to stop him.
Notable for being the first LEGO game to be released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as launch titles for those consoles.
Unused & Scrapped Characters Not all heroes wear capes. |
Unused Graphics
Leftover Buttons
PlayStation 2
This button set is named buttons_orbis_nxg.ft2, indicating that it was used for the PlayStation 4 version at one point, likely before the design for the controller was finalized.
The Wii U version uses the higher-resolution Wii button icons found in buttons_wiiu_nxg.ft2, which also contains the Wii U GamePad button icons.
Demo Leftovers
Where language can be any supported language except English.
These graphics are leftover from the splash screen of the LEGO Batman 2 demo.
Test Textures
Some characters have separate test textures that were never removed.
Unused | Final |
Early Textures
Emma Frost has early torso textures in the files.
Unused | Final |
Unseen Textures
Green Goblin and Modok have 2D face textures that show the models.
Unused Abilities
Iron Patriot's Laser
If you add the following line of code to chars/minifigs/ironpatriot/ironpatriot.txt, Iron Patriot will be able to use a laser beam:
ability IronPatriotLaserVision
The laser is complete and fully functional, and uses sound effects found in audio/samples/chars/ironpatriot.
Although other characters, such as Dormammu and Arnim Zola, do use these sound effects for their lasers, the sound clips' file names and their location in the game's file suggests they were created specifically for Iron Patriot's.
Iron Man (Mark 1)'s Laser
Another character with an unused laser ability. This one was likely only meant for testing purposes, as there are no laser abilities present for Marks 6 and 7, used or unused; not to mention how unpolished it is.
Add the following line of code to chars/minifigs/ironman/ironmanm1.txt to allow Iron Man (Mark 1) to use his laser:
ability IronManM1LaserVision
Hidden Level Select
A fully working level select, accessible from the main menu, can be accessed by doing the following:
- Go to stuff/frontendconfigs.
- Open default_mainmenu.txt and uncomment "LevelSelect".
- Create a .txt file in stuff/frontendconfigs called default_levels.txt.
- Open default_config.txt and paste this code in it:
LevelSelect "default_levels.txt"
default_levels.txt will contain all the levels that will appear in the level select. You can add whatever levels you want, but adding this code to it will allow you to select any of the main story mode levels, in addition to the bonus level:
BeginEntry level 1GrandCentralA text "Sand Central Station" EndEntry BeginEntry level 2baxterbuildingA text "Times Square Off" EndEntry BeginEntry level 3OscorpA text "Exploratory Laboratory" EndEntry BeginEntry level 4TheRaftA text "Rock up at the Lock up" EndEntry BeginEntry level 5StarkTowerA text "Rebooted, Resuited" EndEntry BeginEntry level 6hydrabaseA text "Red Head Detention" EndEntry BeginEntry level 7asgardA text "Bifrosty Reception" EndEntry BeginEntry level 8xmansionA text "Juggernauts and Crosses" EndEntry BeginEntry level 9CastleVonDoomA text "Doctor in the House" EndEntry BeginEntry level 10DoomTankerA text "That Sinking Feeling" EndEntry BeginEntry level 11NYPowerPlantA text "Taking Liberties" EndEntry BeginEntry level 12AsteroidMIslandA text "Rapturous Rise" EndEntry BeginEntry level 13asteroidmspaceA text "Magnetic Personality" EndEntry BeginEntry level 14doomshowdownA text "A Doom With a View" EndEntry BeginEntry level 15GalactusA text "The Good, the Bad and the Hungry" EndEntry BeginEntry level Bonus_MarvelA text "The Brick Apple?" EndEntry
If all is done correctly, a "Select Level" option will now be present in the main menu.
Note that the level select will only display the first eight entries and will not scroll to show the rest, but all entries can be selected and played without any issues.
Dummy Vehicle
dummychar is, despite the name implying a dummy character, a dummy vehicle. It is invisible, cannot move and has 4 HP, like most of the other ground vehicles.
Unused Animations
Batman and Superman's animation files are still present, in chars/minifigs/batman and chars/minifigs/sharedanims, respectively.
Unusable Handle in "The Brick Apple?" Level
In the extra and final level "The Brick Apple?" there's a handle that only characters with web-slinging powers (such as Spider-Man) can pull.
Take note that you can only play as Galactus and Doctor Doom in this level (since this is the only level in the game that cannot be entered in Free Play mode), which means this handle is unusable without hacking.
Here's a video proof of what happens when you pull the handle:
Unused Text
The file cut/frateoverrides.txt appears to be a file for manually overriding values in cutscenes. All lines are commented out, so it does nothing.
#This file can be used to override the joint animation and rigid object frame percentage values #Can now also override rigid animations, use with care as this could lead to sync issues between cameras and rigid visibility etc #== a comment #cutscene "Name" indicates that any following "char" or "rigid" entries are specific to that cutscene #ie cutscene ambush_introb1 #char "Name" FPString = name of character followed by a comma seperated string to control the per platform fp rate #ie char king_katuunko fpwii,100,fppc,50 #rigid "Name" fpwii,100 #ie rigid box1 fpwii,100 #do not place spaces between the fpwii comma and the value. #rigid CUT_Medallion fpwii,100 #cutscene ambush_introb1 #char king_katuunko fpwii,100 #char katuunko_bodyguard fpwii,100 #cutscene CastleOfDoom_Intro #char TC70 fp,100 #=======================================================================
A text file containing the version number of TT's LEGO game engine.
Current version: 38.2
Similarly, this file contains the game's version number.
gameversion.txt has the full version control information:
BuildRecordId: 721389 TTBuilder-Version: 1.07.54 Date: 2013-09-12 19:09:39 AccurevStream: LEGOMarvel-12-09-13-v0.24j_TrphyFx_PS3_Hotfix AccurevTransactionId: 5790603 SVN_Repository: svn://tt-lm-data:3727/tags/legomarvel/TTBuilder/complete/LEGOMarvel-12-09-13-v0.24j_TrphyFx_PS3 SVN_Revision: 144666
A spreadsheet containing credits for the staff that worked on each level.
#Level Name | Designer (Arthur Parsons) | Code (Steve Harding) | Tech Artist (Dave Burton) | Final Artist (Dave Hoye) | Audio | VFX Art |
1GrandCentralA | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemek Przybylski | Craig Lewis | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
1GrandCentralB | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemek Przybylski | Craig Lewis | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
1GrandCentralC | Arthur Parsons | Paul Connor | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Finn Allen | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
2BaxterBuildingA | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Stuart Deakin-Berry | Craig Lewis | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
2BaxterBuildingB | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Stuart Deakin-Berry | Stuart Niblock | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
2BaxterBuildingC | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Stuart Deakin-Berry | Stuart Niblock | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
2BaxterBuildingD | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Stuart Deakin-Berry | Craig Lewis | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
3oscorpA | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
3oscorpB | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
3oscorpB1 | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
3oscorpC | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
4TheRaftA | Stephen Sharples | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Dave Burton | Stuart Niblock | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
4TheRaftB | Stephen Sharples | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Dave Burton | Stuart Niblock | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
4TheRaftC | Stephen Sharples | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Dave Burton | Stuart Niblock | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
5StarkTowerA | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Martin Palmer | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
5StarkTowerB | Arthur Parsons | NIck Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Martin Palmer | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
5StarkTowerC | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Martin Palmer | Craig Lewis | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
6HydraBaseA | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Dave Hoye | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
6HydraBaseB | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Dave Hoye | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
6HydraBaseC | Wil Evans | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Dave Hoye | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
7AsgardA | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Sam Owen | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
7AsgardB | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Sam Owen | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
7AsgardC | Stephen Sharples | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Sam Owen | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Tom Litton |
8XMansionA | Stephen Sharples | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Sam Owen | Al Dooley | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
8XMansionB | Stephen Sharples | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Sam Owen | Al Dooley | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
8XMansionC | Stephen Sharples | NIck Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Sam Owen | Al Dooley | Mike de Belle | Mike Snowdon |
9CastleVonDoomA | Joseph Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Al Dooley | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
9CastleVonDoomB | Joseph Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Al Dooley | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
9CastleVonDoomC | Joseph Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Al Dooley | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
9CastleVonDoomD | Joseph Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Barry Thompson | Al Dooley | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
10DoomTankerB | Arthur Parsons | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Martin Palmer | Stuart Niblock | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
10DoomTankerC | Arthur Parsons | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Martin Palmer | Stuart Niblock | Stefan Rutherford | Tom Litton |
11NYPowerPlantA | Wil Evans | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Jon Hooper | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
11NYPowerPlantB | Wil Evans | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Jon Hooper | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
11NYPowerPlantC | Wil Evans | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Jon Hooper | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
11NYPowerPlantD | Wil Evans | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Przemyslaw Przybylski | Jon Hooper | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
12AsteroidMIslandA | Arthur/Joe | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Mike Snowdon |
12AsteroidMIslandB | Arthur/Joe | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Mike Snowdon |
12AsteroidMIslandC | Arthur/Joe | Tom Vernon/Si Lever | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Luke Hatton | Mike Snowdon |
13AsteroidMSpaceA | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
13AsteroidMSpaceB | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
13AsteroidMSpaceC | Arthur Parsons | Nick Cunliffe/Glenn Pepper | Katie Clague | Elliot Whittaker | Mike de Belle | Tom Litton |
14DoomShowdownA | Joe Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Dave Burton | Rick Walker | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
14DoomShowdownB | Joe Moore | John Newton/Alex Kitching | Dave Burton | Rick Walker | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
14DoomShowdownC | Joe Moore | Tom Vernon/ Si Lever | Dave Burton | Rick Walker | Stefan Rutherford | Mike Snowdon |
15GalactusA | Arthur Parsons | Mava Bakhsh | Sam Owen | Al Dooley | Luke Hatton | Mike Snowdon / Tom Litton |
1INTFederalBank | Joe Moore | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
2INTFiskTower | Stephen Sharples | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
3INTTheRaft | Wil Evans | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
4INTFogwellsGym | Joe Moore | John Newton | Dave Burton | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
5INTDailyBugle | Joe Moore | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
6INTCircusTent | Stephen Sharples | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Duncan Philpotts | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
8INTReptopia | Wil Evans | John Newton | Barry Thompson | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
9INTJotenheim | Stephen Sharples | John Newton | Barry Thompson | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
10INTMarvelHQ | Stephen Sharples | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
13INTStarkTower | Stephen Sharples | John Newton | Stuart Deakin-Berry | Roger Robinson | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
14INTSanctorum | Wil Evans | John Newton | Cheng Xiang | Al Dooley | Ben Wolland | Mike Snowdon |
Internal Name
The internal project name is LEGOMarvel. Very clever.
The Marvel series
| |
Arcade | Marvel Super Heroes |
SNES | Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems |
GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects |
Windows | LEGO Marvel Super Heroes • LEGO Marvel's Avengers • LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 • Marvel Snap |
Android, iOS | Marvel Snap |
Ultimate Alliance | |
PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows | Ultimate Alliance (Prototype) |
PlayStation Portable | Ultimate Alliance • Ultimate Alliance 2 |
Game Boy Advance | Ultimate Alliance |
Nintendo DS | Ultimate Alliance 2 |
Super Hero Squad | |
Nintendo DS | Marvel Super Hero Squad |
Unity Web Player | Marvel Super Hero Squad Online |
Miscellaneous | |
NES | Silver Surfer |
Game Boy Color | Blade |
Game Boy Advance | Daredevil • Ghost Rider |
PlayStation Portable | Ghost Rider |
Windows | Deadpool |
J2ME | Elektra • Blade Trinity |
See Also | |
Captain America • Fantastic Four • The Hulk • Iron Man • Marvel vs. Capcom • The Punisher • Spider-Man • X-Men |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by TT Games
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Windows games
- PlayStation 3 games
- PlayStation 4 games
- Xbox 360 games
- Xbox One games
- Wii U games
- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2013
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 22
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 15
- Games released on November 13
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused characters
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with hidden level selects
- To do
- LEGO series
- Marvel series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
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Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
Games > Games by content > Games with unused abilities
Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Warner Bros. Games > Games developed by TT Games
Games > Games by platform > Mac OS X games
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 3 games
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 4 games
Games > Games by platform > Wii U games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox 360 games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox One games
Games > Games by publisher
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2013
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 13
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 15
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 22
Games > Games by series > LEGO series
Games > Games by series > Marvel series