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User:Rabidabid/Sega Virtual Console Patches

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  1. Open .wad files in ShowMiiWads (Click "Tools" > "Create Common-Key" first time launching)
  2. Right-click file > "Extract" > "To Folder"
  3. Click "Tools" > "Unpack U8 Archive"
  4. Select "00000005.app" (usually) from unpacked archive to extract "data.ccf"
  5. Drag-and-drop "data.cff" into ccfex.exe to extract ROM/patch files, etc.




Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Altered Beast Empty juohki_us.rso
Golden Axe Empty goldenaxe_us.rso
Zaxxon Empty zaxxon.rso


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Golden Axe Empty goldenaxe.rso
Juuouki Empty juohki.rso
Puyo Puyo No?
Puyo Puyo Tsuu No?
Shinobi Empty shinobi.rso
Space Harrier Empty sharrier.rso
Super Hang-On Empty shangon_ro.rso
Zaxxon Empty zaxxon.rso

Master System


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Alex Kidd in Miracle World Empty AlexKiddInMiracleWorld_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Empty AlexKiddInShinobiWorld_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Empty AlexKiddTheLostStars_JUE.SMS (World)
Enduro Racer Empty EnduroRacer_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Fantasy Zone Yes FantasyZone1_JUE_02.SMS (World) (Rev 2)
Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa Empty FantasyZone2_UE_01.SMS (USA, Europe)
Phantasy Star Yes PhantasyStar1_UE.SMS (USA, Europe) (Rev 3)
R-Type Empty RType_UE.SMS (World)
Secret Command Empty scommndo.SMS (Europe)
Sonic Chaos Empty SonicChaos_UE.SMS (Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog Empty Sonic1_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Yes Sonic2_UE_01.SMS (Europe) (Rev 1)
Space Harrier Empty SpaceHarrier_JU.SMS (Japan, USA)
Wonder Boy Empty WonderBoy1_JUE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Wonder Boy in Monster Land Yes MonsterWorld1_UE_01.SMS (USA, Europe)
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap Yes MonsterWorld2_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Alex Kidd no Miracle World Empty AlexKiddInMiracleWorld_J.SMS (Japan)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Empty AlexKiddTheLostStars_JUE.SMS (World)
Ashura Empty Ashura_J.SMS (Japan)
Enduro Racer Empty EnduroRacer_J.SMS (Japan)
Fantasy Zone Empty FantasyZone1_JUE_02.SMS (World) (Rev 2)
Fantasy Zone II: Opa-Opa no Namida Empty FantasyZone2_J.SMS (Japan)
Hokuto no Ken Yes HOKUTO-B.SMS (Japan)
Phantasy Star Empty PhantasyStar1_J_01.SMS Different ROM
R-Type Empty RType_UE.SMS (World)
Sonic Chaos Empty SonicChaos_UE.SMS (Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog Empty Sonic1_UE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Yes Sonic2_UE_01.SMS (Europe) (Rev 1)
Space Harrier Empty SpaceHarrier_JU.SMS (Japan, USA)
Super Wonder Boy Empty WonderBoy1_JUE.SMS (USA, Europe)
Super Wonder Boy: Monster World Empty MonsterWorld1_J.SMS (Japan)

Mega Drive


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Alex Kidd in The Enchanted Castle No AlexKidd_UE.SGD (Europe) (Rev A)
512KB instead of 256KB
Alien Soldier Yes (v1.2) AlienSoldier_Europe_USA.SGD (Europe)
Different header?
Different patches between US and EU versions
Alien Storm Yes (v1.4) AlienStorm_USA.SGD (World)
Altered Beast No AlteredBeast.SGD (USA, Europe)
Beyond Oasis No TheStoryOfThor_USA.SGD (USA)
Bio-Hazard Battle No Crying_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Bonanza Bros. No BonanzaBrothers_UE.SGD (USA, Europe, Korea) (Rev B)
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure Yes Boogerman_USA.SGD (USA)
ClayFighter Empty Clayfighter_USA.SGD (USA)
Columns No Columns.SGD (World) (v1.1)
512KB instead of 128KB
Columns III: Revenge of Columns Empty Columns3_USA.SGD (USA)
Comix Zone No ComixZone_USA.SGD Prototype?! ROM identical to this one
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine No PUYO_USA.MD (USA)
Dynamite Headdy No DynamiteHeaddy_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Earthworm Jim Empty EarthwormJim1_USA.SGD (USA)
Earthworm Jim 2 Yes EarthwormJim2_USA.SGD (USA)
Patches identical between regions
Ecco the Dolphin No EccoTheDolphin_USA.SGD (USA, Europe, Korea)
Ecco: The Tides of Time No EccoTheDolphin2_USA.SGD (USA)
Ecco Jr. Empty EccoJr_UE.SGD (USA, Australia) (February 1995)
Eternal Champions Yes (v1.2) EternalChampions_USA.SGD (USA)
Different patches between JP/US and EU versions
Forgotten Worlds Yes (v1.1.2.1) ForgottonWorlds_JUE.SGD (World) (v1.1)
Gain Ground No GainGround_JUE.SGD (World) (Alt 1)
Galaxy Force II Yes GalaxyForceII_UE.SGD (World) (Rev B)
Patches identical between regions
Ghouls'n Ghosts No Daimakaimura_USA.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
1.25MB instead of 640KB
Gley Lancer Empty GleyLancer.SGD (Japan)
2MB instead of 1MB
Golden Axe No GoldenAxe1.SGD (World) (v1.1)
Golden Axe II No GoldenAxe2_JUE.SGD (World)
Golden Axe III No GoldenAxe3.SGD (Japan)
Gunstar Heroes No GunstarHeroes_USA.SGD (USA)
Kid Chameleon No ChameleonKid_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Landstalker No LandStalker_USA.SGD (USA)
Light Crusader Empty LightCrusader_USA.SGD (USA)
M.U.S.H.A. Yes MushaAleste_USA.SGD (USA)
Patches identical between regions
Mega Turrican Empty MegaTurrican_JUE_noDECO.SGD Modified ROM
Mercs Yes SenjonoOkami2_JUE.SGD (World)
Monster World IV Empty MonsterWorld4_JU.BIN Modified ROM
Multi Languege editon Ver.2011/07/25
Phantasy Star II Yes PhantasyStar2_UE_GreenCrossFix.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
Different header? 832KB instead of 768KB
Patches identical between regions
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom Yes PhantasyStar3_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Patches identical between regions
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium Yes PhantasyStar4_USA.SGD (USA)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Empty Pitfall_USA.SGD (USA)
Powerball Empty WrestleBall_USA.MD (USA)
Pulseman Empty Pulseman.SGD (Japan)
Puyo Puyo Tsuu Empty PuyoPuyo2.SGD (Japan) (v1.1)
The Revenge of Shinobi Yes TheSuperShinobi_JUE.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev B)
Patches identical between regions
Ristar No Ristar_USA.SGD (USA, Europe) (September 1994)
Rolling Thunder 2 Empty RollingThunder2_USA.MD (USA)
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi Yes ShadowDancer.SGD (World)
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye Yes SHANGH2.SGD (USA)
Shining Force No ShiningForce_USA.SGD (USA)
Shining Force II Yes ShiningForce2_USA.SGD (USA)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Shining in the Darkness No ShiningAndTheDarkness_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master No TheSuperShinobiII_USA.SGD (USA)
Sonic & Knuckles Empty sandk_composite.sgd ROM also contains Sonic 3 and Sonic 2
Sonic 3D Blast Empty Sonic3D.SGD (USA, Europe)
Sonic Spinball No SonicSpinball_USA.SGD (USA)
Sonic the Hedgehog No Sonic1_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 No Sonic2.SGD (World) (Rev A)
Different header?
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 No Sonic3_USA.SGD (USA)
Space Harrier II No SpaceHarrierII.SGD (World)
Splatterhouse 2 Yes SplatterHouse2_USA.SGD (USA)
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition Empty ST2DASH_US_080322.BIN Modified ROM
08/03/22 VC V1.0
Streets of Rage No BareKnuckle1_JUE.SGD (World) (Rev A)
Streets of Rage 2 No BareKnuckle2_USA.SGD (USA)
Streets of Rage 3 No BareKnuckle3_USA.SGD (USA)
Strider Empty S_HIRYU_US_110811.BIN Modified ROM
VC EDITION 2011/08/11
Super Fantasy Zone Yes SuperFantasyZone_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers No? SPST2_US_111105.BIN Modified ROM
Super Thunder Blade No SuperThunderBlade.SGD (Japan) (Launch Cart)
Sword of Vermilion No Vermilion_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
ToeJam & Earl No ToeJamEarl.SGD (World) (Rev A)
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron No ToeJamEarl2_USA.SGD (USA)
Vectorman Yes VectorMan_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Virtua Fighter 2 No VirtuaFighter2_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair Empty MonsterLair_JUE.SGD (Japan, Europe)
Wonder Boy in Monster World No MonsterWorld3_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Alex Kidd: Tenkuu Majou No AlexKidd.SGD (Japan)
Alien Soldier No AlienSoldier.SGD (Japan)
Alien Storm No AlienStorm_USA.SGD (World)
Bahamut Senki No BahamutSenki.SGD (Japan)
Bare Knuckle No BareKnuckle1_JUE.SGD (World) (Rev A)
Bare Knuckle II No BareKnuckle2_JE.SGD (Japan, Europe)
Bare Knuckle III No BareKnuckle3.SGD (Japan)
Bonanza Bros. No BonanzaBrothers.SGD (Japan, Europe) (Rev A)
Chameleon Kid No ChameleonKid.SGD (Japan)
Chelnov No Chelnov.SGD (Japan)
2MB instead of 1MB
Columns No Columns.SGD (World) (v1.1)
512KB instead of 128KB
Columns III: Taiketsu! Columns World Empty Columns3.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Comix Zone No ComixZone.SGD (Japan)
Crack Down No CrackDown_JE.SGD (Japan, Europe) (Rev A)
Crying No Crying.SGD (Japan)
Daimakaimura No Daimakaimura_USA.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
1.25MB instead of 640KB
Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu Empty DragonSlayerVI1.SGD (Japan)
Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu II Empty DragonSlayerVI2.SGD (Japan)
Dyna Brothers No DynaBrothers.SGD (Japan)
Dyna Brothers 2 Special No DynaBrothers2Special.SGD (Japan) (Virtual Console)
Dump sourced from this release
Dynamite Headdy No DynamiteHeaddy.SGD (Japan)
Earthworm Jim Empty EarthwormJim1_USA.SGD (USA)
Earthworm Jim 2 Yes EarthwormJim2_USA.SGD (USA)
Patches identical between regions
Ecco the Dolphin No EccoTheDolphin.SGD (Japan)
Ecco the Dolphin 2 No EccoTheDolphin2.SGD (Japan)
Ecco Jr. Empty EccoJr_UE.SGD (USA, Australia) (February 1995)
ESWAT: Cyber Police No ESWAT_JU.SGD (USA, Europe)
Eternal Champions Yes (v1.2) EternalChampions.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Different patches between JP/US and EU versions
Forgotten Worlds Yes (v1.1.2.1) ForgottonWorlds_JUE.SGD (World) (v1.1)
Gain Ground No GainGround_JUE.SGD (World) (Alt 1)
Galaxy Force II Yes GalaxyForceII.SGD (Japan) (En) (Virtual Console)
Dump sourced from this release
Patches identical between regions
Gley Lancer Empty GleyLancer.SGD (Japan)
2MB instead of 1MB
Golden Axe No GoldenAxe1.SGD (World) (v1.1)
Golden Axe II No GoldenAxe2_JUE.SGD (World)
Golden Axe III No GoldenAxe3.SGD (Japan)
Gunstar Heroes No GunstarHeroes.SGD (Japan)
Gynoug Empty Gynoug.SGD (Japan)
Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu Yes Hokutonoken.SGD (Japan)
The Hybrid Front No HybridFront.SGD (Japan)
Juuouki No AlteredBeast_JP.SGD (Japan) (v1.1)
Juusou Kihei Leynos No Leynos.SGD (Japan)
Different header?
Landstalker: Koutei no Zaihou No LandStalker.SGD (Japan)
Langrisser Empty Lungrisser.SGD (Japan)
Langrisser II Yes Lungrisser2.SGD (Japan) (v1.2)
Light Crusader Empty LightCrusader.SGD (Japan)
Lord Monarch: Tokoton Sentou Densetsu Empty LordMonarch.SGD (Japan)
Monster World IV Empty MonsterWorld4.SGD (Japan)
Musha Aleste: Full Metal Fighter Ellinore Yes MushaAleste.SGD (Japan)
Patches identical between regions
Party Quiz Mega Q Empty PartyQuizMegaQ.SGD (Japan)
2MB instead of 1MB
Pepenga Pengo Empty PepengaPengo.SGD (Japan)
Phantasy Star II: Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni Yes PhantasyStar2.SGD (Japan)
Patches identical between regions
Phantasy Star: Sennenki no Owari ni Yes PhantasyStar4.SGD (Japan)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Phelios Empty Phelios.MD (Japan)
Different header?
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Pulseman No Pulseman.SGD (Japan)
Puyo Puyo No PuyoPuyo.SGD (Japan)
Puyo Puyo Tsuu No PuyoPuyo2.SGD (Japan)
Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R No IchidantoR.SGD (Japan)
Puzzle & Action: Tant-R No TantoR.SGD (Japan)
Rent A Hero No RentaHero.SGD (Japan)
Ristar No Ristar.MD (Japan, Korea)
Rolling Thunder 2 Empty RollingThunder2.MD (Japan)
Senjou no Ookami II Yes SenjonoOkami2_JUE.SGD (World)
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi No ShadowDancer.SGD (World)
Shining and the Darkness No ShiningAndTheDarkness.SGD (Japan)
Shining Force: Kamigami no Isan No ShiningForce.SGD (Japan)
Shining Force II: Inishie no Fuuin Yes ShiningForce2.SGD (Japan)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Sonic & Knuckles Empty sandk_composite.sgd (World), contains Sonic 3 (USA) and Sonic 2 (USA)
Sonic 3D Blast No Sonic3D.SGD (USA, Europe)
Sonic Spinball No SonicSpinball.SGD (Japan)
Sonic the Hedgehog No Sonic1.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Different header?
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 No Sonic2.SGD (World) (Rev A)
Different header?
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 No Sonic3.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Sorcerian Yes Sorcerian.SGD (Japan) (Rev 1) (Virtual Console)
Dump sourced from this release
Space Harrier II No SpaceHarrierII_JP.SGD (Japan) (Launch Cart)
Splatterhouse Part 2 Yes SplatterHouse2.SGD (Japan)
The Story of Thor: Hikari o Tsugumono No TheStoryOfThor.SGD (Japan)
Street Fighter II Dash Plus: Champion Edition Empty ST2DASH_JP_080322.BIN Modified ROM
08/03/22 VC V1.0
Strider Hiryuu Empty S_HIRYU_JP_110811.BIN Modified ROM
VC EDITION 2011/08/11
Super Fantasy Zone Yes SuperFantasyZone.SGD (Japan)
The Super Shinobi Yes TheSuperShinobi_JUE.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev B)
Patches identical between regions
The Super Shinobi II No TheSuperShinobiII.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers No? SPST2_JP_110722.BIN Modified ROM
Super Thunder Blade No SuperThunderBlade.SGD (Japan) (Launch Cart)
ToeJam & Earl No ToeJamEarl.SGD (World) (Rev A)
Toki no Keishousha: Phantasy Star III Yes PhantasyStar3.SGD (Japan)
Patches identical between regions
Vectorman No Vectorman_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Vermilion No Vermilion[csx].SGD (Japan)
Virtua Fighter 2 No VirtuaFighter2_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair Empty MonsterLair_JUE.SGD (Japan, Europe)
Wonder Boy V: Monster World III No MonsterWorld3.SGD (Japan, Korea)
Wrestleball Empty WrestleBall.MD (Japan)


Game Patch? ROM File Name Notes
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Soldier Yes (v1.1) AlienSoldier_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Different patches between US and EU versions
Alien Storm
Altered Beast No AlteredBeast.SGD
Bio-Hazard Battle
Bonanza Bros. No BonanzaBrothers_UE.SGD (USA, Europe, Korea) (Rev B)
Clay Fighter
Columns No Columns.SGD
Columns III: Revenge of Columns
Comix Zone No ComixZone_Europe.SGD (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
Crack Down No CrackDown_JE.SGD (Japan, Europe) (Rev A)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine No PuyoPuyo_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim Empty EarthwormJim1_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Earthworm Jim 2 Yes EarthwormJim2_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Patches identical between regions
Ecco the Dolphin No EccoTheDolphin_USA.SGD (USA, Europe, Korea)
Ecco: The Tides of Time No EccoTheDolphin2_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Ecco Jr. Empty EccoJr_UE.SGD (USA, Australia) (February 1995)
ESWAT: City Under Siege No ESWAT_JU.SGD (USA, Europe)
Eternal Champions Yes (v1.3) EternalChampions_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Different patches between JP/US and EU versions
Forgotten Worlds
Gain Ground No GainGround_JUE.SGD
Galaxy Force II Yes GalaxyForceII_UE.SGD (World)
Patches identical between regions
Ghouls'n Ghosts
Gley Lancer
Golden Axe No GoldenAxe1.SGD
Golden Axe II No GoldenAxe2_JUE.SGD
Golden Axe III
Gunstar Heroes No GunstarHeroes_Europe.SGD (Europe)
2MB instead of 1MB
Kid Chameleon
Landstalker No LandStalker_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Light Crusader Empty LightCrusader_Europe.SGD (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
M.U.S.H.A. Yes MushaAleste_USA.SGD (USA)
Patches identical between regions
Mega Turrican Empty MegaTurrican_JUE_noDECO.SGD Modified ROM
Mercs Yes SenjonoOkami2_JUE.SGD (World)
Monster World IV Yes MonsterWorld4_JU.BIN Modified ROM
Multi Languege editon Ver.2011/07/25
Phantasy Star II Yes PhantasyStar2_UE_GreenCrossFix.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
Different header? 832KB instead of 768KB
Patches identical between regions
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom Yes PhantasyStar3_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
Patches identical between regions
Phantasy Star IV Yes PhantasyStar4_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Empty Pitfall_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Puyo Puyo Tsuu
The Revenge of Shinobi Yes TheSuperShinobi_JUE.SGD (USA, Europe) (Rev B)
Patches identical between regions
Ristar No Ristar_USA.SGD (USA, Europe) (September 1994)
Rolling Thunder 2 Empty RollingThunder2_Europe.MD (Europe)
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi Yes ShadowDancer.SGD (World)
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
Shining in the Darkness No ShiningAndTheDarkness_UE.SGD (USA, Europe)
Shining Force No ShiningForce_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Shining Force II Yes ShiningForce2_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Different patches between JP and US/EU versions
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island Empty Sonic3D.SGD
Sonic Spinball No SonicSpinball_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 No Sonic3_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Space Harrier II
Splatterhouse 2
The Story of Thor No TheStoryOfThor_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition Empty ST2DASH_EU_080322.BIN Modified ROM
08/03/22 VC V1.0
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3 No BareKnuckle3_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Strider Empty S_HIRYU_US_110811.BIN Modified ROM
VC EDITION 2011/08/11
Super Fantasy Zone
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers No? SPST2_EU_111105.BIN Modified ROM
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion No Vermilion_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)
ToeJam & Earl No ToeJamEarl.SGD (World) (Rev A)
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron No ToeJamEarl2_Europe.SGD (Europe)
Virtua Fighter 2
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
Wonder Boy in Monster World No MonsterWorld3_USA.SGD (USA, Europe)