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Pokémon Black and White

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Title Screen

Pokémon Black Version and White Version

Also known as: Pocket Monsters Black and White (JP/KR)
Developer: Game Freak
Publishers: The Pokémon Company (JP), Nintendo (INT)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: September 18, 2010
Released in US: March 6, 2011
Released in EU: March 4, 2011
Released in AU: March 10, 2011
Released in KR: April 21, 2011

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of May 20, 2014) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.
To do:
* Document the Nintendo DSi PWC 2010 applications; a Rule View Tool and Log Checker. Some documentation about the Log Checker can be found here.
  • Game Freak was hacked on October 12th, 2024 and the entire game's development history got leaked, which could sure use its own subpage.

The fifth generation of Pokémon games, this time set in the far-off New York City-inspired Unova region. Known for having a bigger emphasis on story and introducing a full set of new Pokémon; not a single older Pokémon making an appearance before the Elite Four (aside from Pikachu, who can't even be caught. Yes, you read that right.)


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
BW ManaphyEggGenV.gif
Unused Pokémon Data
Lost dreams and abilities...
Pokemon (DS)-Lock Capsule Item.png
Unused Item Data
This game really has no balls.
Unused Trainer Data
A plague of Patrat.
Unused Map Data
Team Plasma even tried to replicate Nuvema Town!
Unused Graphics
The delivery man can walk?
Unused Text
From this point on, we began to miss the Battle Frontier...

Unreleased Lock Capsule Event

Remember when YT had a little indifferent face when a video went down? TCRF remembers.
This page or section has one or more broken YouTube links.
Please find an archived version of the video(s) or a suitable replacement.

A event related to the unused Lock Capsule item from Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver is present in the game's code, but unused.

The Lock Capsule was planned to be transferable to Pokémon Black and White using the "Relocator" option in the main menu. After the transfer, it can be given to Mr. Lock in Castelia City, who will open it to reveal TM95 Snarl. Because this item was never distributed to Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, this event was left unused and TM95 can't be obtained normally in-game. It was later made available in the sequels in Lostlorn Forest.

Mystery Gift text:

The capsule found by Relocator
English Japanese (Kana) Japanese (Kanji)
Found a Lock Capsule.
Will you take the Lock Capsule?
ロックカプセルが みつかりました。
ロックカプセルを ひきとりますか?
ロックカプセルが みつかりました。
ロックカプセルを 引き取りますか?
The Lock Capsule is being transferred
with the Relocator.
Please wait a moment...
ロックカプセルを てんそうちゅうです!
しばらく おまちください
ロックカプセルを 転送中です!
しばらく お待ちください
The Lock Capsule was safely
transferred. It was put away
in the Key Items Case.
ぶじに てんそうできました!
てんそうした ロックカプセルは
バッグの たいせつなものポケットに
無事に 転送できました!
転送した ロックカプセルは
バッグの たいせつなものポケットに
You have already received
the Lock Capsule.
ロックカプセルは すでに
すでに 受け取っています
The Lock Capsule in the inventory
Obtaining TM95

And the text for opening it:

English Japanese (Kana) Japanese (Kanji)
You have a Lock Capsule in your Bag...
I am the only one in the whole world
who can open the capsule.
I can open it in the blink of an eye!
あなたの バッグの なかに
ロックカプセルが はいっていますね…
その カプセルを あけられるのは
このよで ただひとり ワタシだけ…
ワタシが あっというまに
あけて ごらんにいれましょう…!
あなたの バッグの 中に
ロックカプセルが 入っていますね…
その カプセルを 開けられるのは
この世で ただ一人 ワタシだけ…
ワタシが あっという間に
開けて ご覧にいれましょう…!
Look! As you can see, I opened it swiftly
and with precision!
Inside the capsule...
What your heart most desires...
a Technical Machine!
ほら このとおり
みごと あけて ごらんにいれました…
あなたが こころから のぞむもの…
ほら このとおり
見事 開けて ご覧にいれました…
あなたが 心から 望むもの…
Hm. There's a letter with the
Technical Machine...
わざマシンと いっしょに
レターが はいっていましたよ…
わざマシンと 一緒に
レターが 入っていましたよ…
“I entrust the Technical Machine in the
Lock Capsule to a trustworthy Trainer in
the Unova region.
Don't allow it to fall into the hands of
villains like Team Rocket..."
『ロックカプセルに はいっている
イッシュちほうの しんらいできる
トレーナーに あずけます
ロケットだんの ような わるものに
あくようされないで ください…
『ロックカプセルに 入っている
イッシュ地方の 信頼できる
トレーナーに 預けます…
ロケット団のような 悪者に
悪用されないで ください…
More is written here...
“TM95 is Snarl.
It's a Dark-type Special Attack, and
it lowers the opponents' Sp. Atk stat."
So that's what it is...a move that tests
the sense of the user!
おや つづきが ありますよ…
『わざマシン95は バークアウト
あくタイプの とくしゅこうげきで
あいての とくこうを さげます
…なるほど なるほど
つかう ひとの センスが とわれる
おや 続きが ありますよ…
『わざマシン95は バークアウト
あくタイプの 特殊攻撃で
相手の 特攻を 下げます…
…なるほど なるほど
使う 人の センスが 問われる

Talking to Mr. Lock again afterwards:

English Japanese (Kana) Japanese (Kanji)
Even though I opened the Lock Capsule,
I can't unlock a closed heart.
I am a sad clown, indeed...
ロックカプセルを あけた ワタシでも
かたく とざした こころの カギを
あけることは できません…
まことに かなしき
ロックカプセルを 開けた ワタシでも
固く 閉ざした 心の カギを
開けることは できません…
まことに 悲しき

The event is still fully functional and will work perfectly if a Lock Capsule is hacked into HeartGold and SoulSilver somehow, then transferred using the Relocator.

Unreleased Ribbons

Most ribbons that a Pokémon can have are only obtainable through transferring Pokémon from older generations or by obtaining a Pokémon with special ribbons through events. Even though most ribbons are used due to this, a handful of ribbons were never released.

Icon Name (EN) Name (JP) Description (EN) Description (JP, Kana) Description (JP, Kanji) Notes
PkmnBW-RecordRibbon.png Record Ribbon レコードリボン A Ribbon awarded for setting an
incredible record.
ものすごい きろくを のこした
きねんの リボン
ものすごい 記録を 残した
記念の リボン
The only leftover ribbon that remains unused. As its grouped with other memorial ribbons, it may have been intended to obtain this ribbon without the need of events. This ribbon has not been released in any game to date.
PkmnBW-SpecialRibbon.png Special Ribbon スペシャルリボン A special Ribbon for a special day. とくべつな ひの とくべつな リボン 特別な 日の 特別な リボン Replaces the Blue Ribbon from Generation IV. Event Pokémon with this ribbon were first distributed in Generation VI.
PkmnBW-RegionalChampionRibbon.png Regional Champion Ribbon エリアチャンプリボン Pokémon World Championships
Regional Champion Ribbon
エリアたいかい ゆうしょうきねんリボン
エリア大会 優勝記念リボン
Replaces the Land Ribbon from the previous generations. This ribbon has not been released in any game to date.
PkmnBW-NationalChampionRibbon.png National Champion Ribbon ナショナルチャンプリボン Pokémon World Championships
National Champion Ribbon
こくないたいかい ゆうしょうきねんリボン
国内大会 優勝記念リボン
Replaces the Sky Ribbon from the previous generations. This ribbon has not been released in any game to date.
PkmnBW-WorldChampionRibbon.png World Champion Ribbon ワールドチャンプリボン Pokémon World Championships
World Champion Ribbon
せかいたいかい ゆうしょうきねんリボン
世界大会 優勝記念リボン
Replaces the Red Ribbon from Generation IV. An Event Pokémon with this ribbon was distributed in Generation VII.

Unused Audio

Placeholder Music

Similar to Diamond and Pearl, there are placeholder music tracks that consist of ascending notes:

These are called SEQ_BGM_MSL_DL_01 through to SEQ_BGM_MSL_DL_04, respectively, with 03 and 04 sounding like each other.

Unused Soundbank

Download.png Download BANK_MUS_WB_SOUNDLIST converted to SF2
File: BANK_MUS_WB_SOUNDLIST.7z (7.52 MB) (info)

There's an unused soundbank (WAVE_MUS_BW_SOUNDLIST and BANK_MUS_BW_SOUNDLIST) that contains all instruments used throughout the game. This might have once been used for the composition of the game's music.

Regional Differences

Region Lockout

  • The Japanese version of Black and White is region-locked so it'll only play if using a Japanese-region Nintendo DSi or Nintendo 3DS system, though the game still works on an original Nintendo DS system from any region.
  • The International releases are not region-locked however, so they can be played on any Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi or Nintendo 3DS, regardless of system region.

Title Screen

Japan America, Europe
PocketBlackWhite.png Pokémon Black and White-title.png

Online Battle Names

The in-battle name for online play differs between languages.

English Japanese German French Spanish Italian Korean

Opelucid Gym Surf Glitch

In the Japanese version of the games, it is possible to Surf onto a dragon tail in Opelucid Gym (similarly to the Surf glitch in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl) by opening the menu and selecting Surf, trapping the player. If the game is saved in this spot, the player will be trapped and (without hacking) they will be forced to start a new game. The glitch was fixed in the English versions, which disallow Surfing onto the tail by any means.

(YouTube video)

(Source: ポケットモンスターブラック・ホワイト攻略情報まとめwiki, ChickasaurusGL (testing on English versions))

Poison Touch

In the Japanese version of the games, a Pokémon with the Ability Poison Touch has a 20% chance of poisoning the opposing Pokémon when it uses a contact-making move. This was changed to 30% in the international versions.

(Source: Bulbapedia)


As in Diamond and Pearl, the move Imprison displays a large red X with the Japanese character "封" (short for 封印 fuuin, the Japanese name of the move) in the Japanese version. For international versions, this was replaced with a large red wax seal stamp graphic.

Japan International
PokemonBnW-G5-ImprisonJ.gif PokemonBnW-G5-ImprisonW.gif

C-Gear Skins

To do:
Needs images and information on the Korean versions.

A total of 32 C-Gear skins were distributed over the Pokemon Global Link. The Japanese version had 31 available skins, the European version had 25 available skins, and the North American version had 22 available skins.

Name Regions Distributed To Pokemon Featured Notes
ギザ★ポケスマ! Japan Purrloin Features a drawing of a Purrloin from Shōko Nakagawa, a cast member of the Japanese variety show Pokemon Smash!
Venusaur! Japan, Europe Venusaur
Charizard! Japan, Europe Charizard
Blastoise! Japan, Europe Blastoise
ポケモンカフェ Japan Pansage, Pansear, Panpour Distributed as part of a Pokemon Cafe promotion on the Pokemon Global Link.
しるべのコバルオン Japan Cobalion Used to promote the Japan Cup 2012 Spring on the Global Battle Union.
しれんのテラキオン Japan Terrakion Used to promote the Japan Cup 2012 Spring on the Global Battle Union.
しさくのビリジオン Japan Virizion Used to promote the Japan Cup 2012 Spring on the Global Battle Union.
よぞらのうたごえ Japan Meloetta Used to promote the anime short Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade.
2012 Worlds C-Gear North America, Europe Pikachu Used to commemorate the 2012 Pokémon World Championships. The Japanese C-Gear skin was distributed to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 instead and featured a different background.
赤いゲノセクト! Japan Shiny Genesect Used to promote the sixteenth Pokemon movie, Genesect and the Legend Awakened.

Additionally, the text and logo for the Pokemon Center stores were removed from the Earful Audino ♪ C-Gear skin in the North American and European versions.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

Pokemon Musical Downloads

To do:
Needs images and information on the Korean versions. Get audio rips too?

Five downloadable Pokemon Musicals were distributed over the Pokemon Global Link. Only three were distributed to the Korean versions, while only two were distributed to the North American and European versions.

Name Regions Distributed To Notes
ポケモンスマッシュ! Japan, Korea Distributed as part of a Pokemon Smash! promotion.
MELOETTAAA!!! Japan, Korea Used to promote the anime short Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade.
カーニバルンパッパ! Japan Distributed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

Victini Battle Glitch

In the Japanese version, if the player talks to the event Victini and the game generates a shiny personality value for Victini, then the battle won't start.

This glitch was fixed in the North American and European versions. If Victini would spawn with a shiny personality value, then 0x10000000 is added to its personality value to prevent it from being shiny.

(Source: Bond697)


The cartridges for Pokémon Black and White have a special infrared communicator that is used to communicate with other copies of the game and isn't found on regular DS cartridges. Since flash carts and emulators don't have this infrared communicator, the game will check the status of the infrared communicator at various points (notably when leaving the Pokémon screen, either to return to the overworld or check an individual Pokémon's stats) to determine if the game was pirated. If the infrared communicator does not respond, the player's Pokémon will be unable to gain any experience and the game will crash at random points.

Some emulators are able to bypass the anti-piracy, presumably by spoofing the infrared communicator when the check routine is called. It is also possible to use cheat codes to disable the check routines.

Development Oversights

TM icons

In the Japanese versions, while Retaliate is a Normal-type move, its TM icon is normally used for Dark-type TMs. This suggests that the move was intended to be Dark-type.

Rock Smash is a Fighting-type move, but its TM icon is the one normally used for Rock-type moves. This remains in Black 2 and White 2.

Route 7

In Black Version, Tornadus plays Thundurus's cry when encountered on Route 7.

Nimbasa City

The lights in front of the southern gate of Nimbasa City incorrectly display the protagonist's shadow underneath the light tile, as opposed to above them. Strangely enough, this graphical error isn't present in the tiles right next to the gate or the ones used in the part of the town where the arena is found.


The stairs in the top-right corner of the Dreamyard has a row of three tiles along its left side which can't be walked on. None of the other stairs in this area have this issue, and this oddity was fixed in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

(Source: The oddity demonstrated)

Relic Castle

In the Relic Castle's third lower floor, next to the sand pile in the top-right corner, is a wall with what appears to be incorrect collision, allowing the player to walk "inside the wall". The "hole" is one tile deep, and functions like the regular floor in this area (namely, allowing you to encounter Pokémon).

(Source: The oddity demonstrated)

Sprite Errors

Pokémon has one hell of a bestiary, so of course some mistakes managed to make their way in.


For some reason, Arbok's front sprite lacks a tail segment, whereas its back sprite doesn't.


The Shellder attached to Slowbro's tail is missing an eye, as seen in its animated sprite. Note that the eye is indeed missing and not simply obscured.


Marowak can be seen holding a bone in its right hand in its front sprite, whereas its back sprite shows it holding the bone in its left hand.


Weezing's third gas chamber is attached on the back of its head instead of underneath it. This mistake was carried over from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum (Weezing's sprite being based on the one from those games, despite the one from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver actually being on-model).


Darmanitan's Zen mode lacks its back stripes, which were consistently shown in the anime and later games starting from Pokémon X and Y.


Klink's back sprite shows its upper gear on the wrong side, and as a result the gears also rotate in the wrong direction.

PKMNBW-KlangFront.pngSpr b 5b 600.png

Klang's back sprite shows its smaller gear on the wrong side, and as above this means the gears also rotate in the wrong direction.


Klinklang's back sprite shows its smaller gear on the wrong side, meaning once again the gears also rotate in the wrong direction - however, the spiked ring surrounding the gears is not affected and rotates in the correct direction.

(Source: Bulbapedia)