Super Mario 64 DS
Super Mario 64 DS |
Also known as: Shényóu Mario DS / 神游马力欧 DS (CN) This game has unused areas. |
Super Mario 64 DS yra N64 žaido tuo pačiu pavadinimu remiksas DS'ui su naujais minižaidimais, naujais žaidžiamais veikėjais, naujomis teritorijomis, atnaujintomis grafikomis ir dar 30-čia žvaigždžių.
To do:
- 1 Sub-puslapiai
- 2 Žemėlapių parinktuvas
- 3 Build Date
- 4 Crash Debugger
- 5 Nenaudojamos teritorijos
- 6 Unused Actors
- 7 Unused Actor Parameters
- 8 Unused Actor Behaviors
- 9 Unused Entrances
- 10 Unused Graphics
- 11 Hidden Graphics
- 12 Naming Oddities
- 13 Coincentration
- 14 Level Oddities
- 15 Pre-renderinės įdomybės
- 16 Regional Differences
- 17 Revisional Differences
Nenaudojamas tekstas Likę arba paminėti. |
Žemėlapių parinktuvas
The game contains a map select screen that can be reenabled using the Action Replay codes below. It appears upon loading a save file and allows access to every map in the game, including test levels. The ROM's build date is displayed at the top of the screen.
To use the map select, enter Action Replay code 2202???? 00000002, where "????" is the value that matches your version.
Japan | US | Europe | US Kiosk Demo |
A07C | 9E00 | AED8 | A098 |
Japan Revision 1 | US Revision 1 | Korea | China |
A0B4 | A0B8 | 9EB8 | C208 |
More so, selecting a map that doesn't have a star select screen from the map select menu brings you to a a plain screen with a wooden Bowser emblem. In addition, a Bowser jingle (with laugh included) will play instead of the standard level jingle when loading the Bowser boss maps.
Build Date
Within the ROM there is a text file called BUILDTIME that contains the following build dates:
US | Japan | US Revision 1 | Japan Revision 1 |
2004-10-15 23:29:24 Administrator | 2004-10-25 18:50:33 Administrator | 2004-11-05 21:13:01 Administrator | 2004-11-09 12:31:12 Administrator |
US Kiosk Demo | Europe | China | Korea |
2004-11-11 11:16:17 Administrator | 2005-01-13 08:50:39 Administrator | 2007-05-16 11:41:10 yosimoto | 2007-05-18 22:30:30 Administrator |
Crash Debugger
This game has a crash debugger triggered similarly to the one in Ocarina of Time. This one is a bit less technical and more informative, but a lot less in-depth.
To access the crash dump screen, crash the game (such as ejecting the game card). After doing so:
- Hold L + R + A + Left, then release.
- Hold Down + B, then release.
- Hold Start + Select.
This screen also exists in Animal Crossing: Wild World and New Super Mario Bros. It was used by the developers to debug crashes and other errors in the game since it helps pinpoint exactly where an issue occurred in the code.
Here's an explanation of some of the info on it:
- The BUILDTIME text file is printed on the top of the screen.
- StageNo - Internal name of the stage.
- PlayerID - The character that was being used at the time.
- LayerNo - Unknown.
- RoomNo - Unknown.
- LoopProc - Which part of the main loop was running at the time of the crash; corresponds to a specific virtual function on the problem actor.
- ProfName - Identifies which actor type caused the problem. The first number is the type ID (in the above screenshot it is 3, which corresponds to STAGE). The second number is unknown.
- file-id - Unknown, may be the last file ID that was read from the ROM's file system.
Nenaudojamos teritorijos
Testiniai žemėlapiai
Žaidime yra du testiniai lygiai. Arba įveskite Action Replay kodus, surašytus Užrašų puslapyje, tada laikykite Select paleisdami panaudotą failą, arba naudokite žemėlapių parinktuvą. Lygiai neturi savo parinkimo ekranų, todėl jie rodo tekstą iš kitų žaidimo dalių., Nenaudojamų žemėlapių pavadinimai atatinkamai kilę iš crash debuggerio/žemėlapių parinktuvo ir modelio/aplanko pavadinimų.
Testinis žemėlapis (test_map)
To do: Expand on the different functions of the objects/terrain in the levels, including info on which objects appear during which missions. |
Štai čia prasideda visos įdomybės. Daugybė dalykų, naudojamų reljefo ir objektų testavimui, taip pat ir įprastų lygių dalykų testai.
Šaškių tekstūros iš Super Mario Sunshine debuginio kambario jau trečią kartą pasirodo čia. Turbūt jie labai į visur dairosi, ane?
Žemėlapio viršutiniame dešiniame kampe yra šiek tiek plytelių su japoniškais hieroglifais. Kiekvienas turi atitinkamą žemės tipo elgesį ant jo užlipus:
- Viršutinė eilė - 雪 (sniegas), 花 (gėlės), 氷 (ledas)
- Vidurinė eilė - 水 (vanduo), 土 (dirva), 木 (mediena)
- Apatinė eilė - 岩 (akmuo), 砂 (smėlis), 草 (žolė), 無 (niekas)
Onimasu Test Map (test_map_b)
This level mostly consists of a flat checkerboard plain with a bunch of Tox Boxes trundling around. This map was used for testing them as the name "Onimasu" (オニマス) is the Japanese name for Tox Box.
There is also an icon for the spiked balls from the Bowser battle in the top left corner of the map.
Originalus Peach kambarys
Originaliame žaidime kambarys su Princesės slapta čiuožykla yra mažas šešiakampio formos kambarys su ženklu ir trimis vitražiniais Peach langais. DS remiksas pakeitė jį su daug didesniu kambariu atskirame žemėlapyje su ženklu ir dviem vitražiniais langais - vienas iš kurių veda į čiuožyklą, taip pat durimis kurie leidžia pasikeisti veikėjus ir durimi, vedančia į Rec Roomą.
Nepaisant to, originalus kambarys vis tiek yra pilies modelio dalis, turintis ženklą beigi slaptos čiuožyklos perėjimą, tačiau daugelis tekstūrų yra neteisingos, o be to kambarys neturi jokios kolizijos. Ženklas turi tuos pačius nustatymus kaip ir galutinis kambarys.
By removing the warp behind the door in the foyer that goes to the map containing the new room, setting the door so it goes to area 6 (the area the original room is in), and adding collision data, the player can enter it.
In the early room, the setting of the exit that defines the entrance the player returns to after losing a life or getting a star is set to entrance 0x00 - standing on the center of the main castle floor, which is also used when the player exits a level via the pause menu. In the final room, the exit is set to entrance 0x0 - falling down to the center of the main castle floor, which is also used for when you lose a life or get a star in the "? Switch" level. The warp is also smaller in the early room, to fit the smaller window.
Unused Actors
To do: There are four unused Tick Tock Clock mechanical objects. Document them and check if they exist in the original game. (source: Fiachra) |
Cap Blocks (0x0021 to 0x0023)
Internal Name | Object | Actor | Files |
The game contains three M/L/W blocks that give the corresponding character's cap when hit. These objects work perfectly but are unused in the final game. However, they can be found in the Test Map. They won't release anything unless the character is already unlocked, or the cap object exists in the level via object 254.
Using the following Action Replay code for the appropriate version will cause these blocks to spawn. The USA code replaces trees with them while the European code spawns them near the player.
Block | USA Code | Europe Code |
M Block | 1210443A 00000017 | 021130EC 00000021 |
L Block | 1210443A 00000018 | 021130EC 00000022 |
W Block | 1210443A 00000019 | 021130EC 00000022 |
Akmeninis trikampis (0x00B6)
To do: This piece of rock is used under the falling pillars in Jolly Rodger Bay. Can it be seen? |
Vidinis vardas | Objektas | Aktorius | Failas |
Akmeninis trikampis, turintis koliziją tik viršuje. Valio.
Multiplayer Stairs and Barrier (0x0128 & 0x0129)
Internal Name | Object | Actor | Files |
The multiplayer Peach's Castle features direct reproductions of the stair and barrier objects as part of the level model, therefore the separate objects are unused.
There is an Action Replay code for the USA version here (will appear near you): Multiplayer Stairs: 021130ec 00000128 Multiplayer Barrier: 021130ec 00000129
Fire Ring (0x0141)
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: Use the debug menu to debug the crash. |
Internal Name | Object | Actor | Files |
321 |
281 |
Unknown |
There is an object called FIRERING that crashes the game. There are no objects that fit this description in either the original or the remake.
This object's actor code is contained in an overlay that isn't loaded via the regular system. Maybe it was meant to be loaded and used as a sub-object by something?
Red Koopa
Internal Name | Object | Actor | Files |
21 |
203 |
(and the standard Koopa animation files) |
This Koopa shows different behavior than the standard green version. It runs into the player rather than fleeing from them, though it doesn't hurt the player. When knocked out of its shell, it will chase after it. When defeated while shell-less, it gives a blue coin, just like green Koopas.
The shell obtained from knocking a Red Koopa cannot be ridden or picked up. The player can kick it to launch it in one direction; it then continues following a straight line, knocking out enemies in its path, until it crashes into a wall and disappears in a puff of smoke. If Yoshi eats a red shell, he can spit fire, as he could in Super Mario World.
Red Koopa Troopas can be added to a level by changing a Koopa's Parameter1 to 0x0001. They can also be seen with the following Action Replay codes.
Version | Code |
USA Revision 1 (replaces trees with Red Koopas) |
1210443A 000000CB |
Europe (will appear near you) |
021130EC 00000215 |
Europe (makes a red shell appear near you) |
021130EC 00000254 |
Unused Actor Parameters
- Tox Boxes are able to follow regular paths, and that's what they do in the second test map (Onimasu Test Map). However, in Shifting Sand Land, the only used level where they appear, this ability isn't used; they follow hardcoded paths instead.
- If the Power Flower object has Parameter1 set to 1, it acts like the Wing. At some point in development, the Wing Cap may have been obtained from a Power Flower instead of causing Mario to float.
Unused Actor Behaviors
To do:
- Princess Peach, as she appears in the ending, has a behavior for being talked to; you can do this by placing Peach in a map with a level editor and going up to her and pressing A or B. When talked to she goes into her default pose of standing completely still and upright, which looks quite awkward, and says the same lines Bowser says at the start of the final boss battle. This does not necessarily mean that you could have talked to Peach at some point in development; the behavior could just have been put there for some technical reason. Peach also has animations for running, being idle, and jumping, possibly indicating a scrapped playable role.
- The Ice Block, Pushable Block, CCM Ski Lift, and CCM Ice Sheet can be smashed by players in giant form. The CCM Ski Lift breaks up into Brick Block shards, like the Rolling Log object (and Brick Block) does, but the Ice Block and Pushable Block have their own unique shards. The CCM Ice Sheet has to be ground-pounded and smashes the same way as when Wario ground pounds it, which is the used scenario.
Unused Entrances
To do: rewrite this, adding images and listing which stages do/don't have the unused entrances |
Most levels have four entrances grouped around their starting point, out of which only one entrance is used for single-player levels, leaving the other three unused. The exceptions are the character painting levels and the Play Room, which suggests that they were created late in development.
Early footage saw multiple players in Bob-omb Battlefield.
The presence of the unused entrances indicates that the full 4-player mode was scrapped after most of the levels were already made, which is actually not that early in the game's development cycle. Since Super Mario 64 DS was one of the console's launch titles, it is quite probable that the cooperative mode was scrapped due to lack of time to finish it. Or simply due to technical constraints; note that Super Mario 64 DS is one of the rare games that includes Download Play but not multi-card play.
In the final game, it was replaced by a competitive game limited to scaled-down versions of four small courses.
It's worth noting that a full-game multiplayer mode was, according to some interviews, planned for the original Nintendo 64 game (and its canceled 64DD expansion), using the split-screen variation. It appears that they originally intended to revive the concept in this remake.
Unused Graphics
Goomba Low-Model
An unused low-polygon model for a Goomba. It's possible that the game was meant to switch out the normal model with this one at a certain distance from the camera, as is common in many 3D games, but the low draw distance for objects rendered it useless. Although coins do use a low-model when viewed from a distance, this may be because there are often many on-screen at once.
Unused Star Select Screen
An unused, rather simple Bowser-themed variant for the star select screen. Used in the unused map select.
Battle Fort Painting
Its filename (for_vs_cross.bmd) implies that it was made for the Battle Fort level. It goes unused since the only entrances to the Battle Fort are a hole in the Courtyard and through VS Mode (which uses a generic sky painting). The painting object can be set to display this graphic.
It appears to depict an early design of the course, most notably the sides are multicolored and there are no squares on each edge.
5 Star Door
Star graphics for a door that would require five Stars to unlock...except the door object has no such variation.
Powerup Item
File | Texture inside nsbmd |
The name for the Power Flower actor is obj_powerup_item, so it is likely that this was a placeholder graphic for the Power Flower.
Coincentration Graphics
The sprite set from the minigame Coincentration contains some Mario and Luigi sprites from Super Mario Advance 4 which obviously aren't used in the final game. There's also an unused "defeated" Wario frame, which presumably would have been used before he falls on his back.
Hidden Graphics
To do: Is this an oddity, or do they need to be this shape to achieve the shimmering effect? |
The left and right edges of the shape used for the shimmering water of the file select screen are spiky, but the edges are always offscreen so they can't be seen.
Naming Oddities
VS Painting Room
The model data for the room where the Yoshis jump into a painting in Vs. mode is named e3_start_map_r00.bmd. E3 likely refers to the event of the same name; presumably, the room was originally created for the demo version shown at E3, and then kept around and reused in the final version.
8-Star Door
The only Star door in the DS game which does not also exist in the original N64 version is the 8-Star one that leads to the Mario painting. Its graphics file is obj_door0_star10, indicating that this door went through some adjustments during development.
The "Coincentration" minigame's internal name is "wrecking_crew", a reference to the NES game.
Level Oddities
Multiplayer Castle's Outdoor Garden
It is actually possible to go on top of the roof without glitches (by using Yoshi's flutter ability namely), and there it's possible to notice a few differences from the main game's map:
- The towers and hills have a different kind of coding which makes them way more slippery (the towers especially), making it hard to get on the roof.
- The central tower lacks collision, so does the extension of the roof where Peach's stained glass is. The roof's collision also doesn't match the model, namely the area adjacent to the hill.
- The castle's back, which normally is entirely modeled, is missing here.
- The boxes, fences, and 1-ups are missing.
Unseen Chunk
There's a weird grey chunk floating just outside the entrance to the Big Boo Battle room. It is made from three triangles and serves no purpose. There's no collision mapped where it's positioned. The developers probably left this in as a mistake.
Strange Hitboxes
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. |
While these are technically used, in Tall Tall Mountain and possibly more levels, many of these strange invisible hitboxes are hidden out of bounds on the map. They can only be interacted with if you have the Super Mushroom, and show a number when standing in them. If you kill an enemy before touching one of them, the number above your head will increase, otherwise, it will just show the number 1. They play a "box breaking" sound when hit. They cannot be found in the level files meaning they are most likely hard-coded into the game. It is important to note that these are not duplicates of the secrets as they function differently (for example, secrets can be hit regardless of whether you have a mushroom or not, and the number they show isn't based on the number of enemies you hit).
Pre-renderinės įdomybės
Pilies lauko sodas
Šis renderis naudoja kitokį dangų (kuris, pasirodo, yra sukurtas N64 dykumos fono pagrindu) ir neturi abiejų bokštų vėliavų, ženklo ir tvoros prie gėlyno, dviejų medžių prie smėlėto šlaito kairėje bei pačio smėlėto šlaito(!). Centrinis bokštas taip pat yra daug žemesnis, o jį supančios kalvos kairėje - daug aukštesnės.
There is also a black square on the right castle wall which can be seen in pre-release footage to be an alcove containing a cannon hole.
Castle's Outdoor Garden
While the render itself is accurate aside from missing the trees, it's the way the texture is used in-game that is quite an oddity. Indeed it shows the lake being on the right while the little clearing is on the left, which is due to the texture being accidentally flipped in-game.
Castle's Courtyard
Here the trees and signs are missing... that's pretty much it really.
Bob-omb laukas (Bob-omb Battlefield)
Šis renderis naudoja kitokį skybox'ą, kuris atrodo kaip apsiniaukęs, o ne giedras ir saulėtas. Sklandanti sala taip pat neegzistuoja, kaip ir tiltas, vedantis į aukštesnę kalno dalį (nors ir galėjo būti čia, tą padaryti sutrukdė glaudinimas).
Whomp tvirtovė (Whomp's Fortress)
Nors šis renderis išlaiko N64 renderio ortografinį vaizdą, jis visgi pridėjo dvi salas kurių nebuvo... bet jų padėtis vis tiek nėra tiksli.
Aukštas aukštas kalnas (Tall Tall Mountain)
Kaip ir originaliame N64 renderyje, yra papildomi grybai, kurie neegzistuoja žaidime. Skybox'as irgi yra skirtingas, neturįs tolimų salų ir turįs skirtingas debesų formas. Portalas į kalno čiuožyklą yra visiškai baltas, o ne paslėptas įprastoje sienoje.
Saulėtos salos (Sunshine Isles)
Vėlgi, skybox'as yra visiškai kitoks, o be to mažos salos yra arčiau didesnės vidurinės.
Rec Room
This texture of the floor is different, namely missing its purple spots. A few stars were also moved here and there, and some are colored differently.
Myli mane...? (Loves Me...?)
Šis renderis neturi ir medžių, ir ženklo, ir tvorų (tvoros gabaliukas visgi dar išliko prie gėlyno).
Regional Differences
International | Japan | Korea | China |
The Japanese logo features metal around the text and a more emphasized "DS" with a black outline around the letters. The Korean logo has slightly darker colors. The logo used in international versions is closer to the original design of the Super Mario 64 logo, with wood around the letters and gold around the "64". The "DS" is also less emphasized. Strangely, the word "Super" is all cyan rather than multicolored. The background gradient was also changed to match this cyan, whereas the Japanese version uses a deeper blue that matches the bottom screen colors. The Chinese version breaks tradition by rendering the majority of the title in Chinese, rather than using a subtitle. The Korean version lacks a Rec Room, as seen in the image above. Strangely enough, while the Korean logo is based on the Japanese logo, the background on the bottom screen is the same as the international version.
Korean Version
To do: Look into exact ROM data changes. |
- In Korea, there are very strict anti-gambling laws that assign any game with some form of interactive gambling content an "Adults Only" rating. Possibly to avoid this, the Rec Room and all of its associated mini-games were removed in the Korean version of Super Mario 64 DS. This also means that the bunnies that give out keys that unlock mini-games when captured and the Toad that appears in the Rec Room inside Peach's Castle are missing.
- The Korean version lacks a backlight setting.
- There is a new object on top of the castle: a ! Block that gives unlimited extra lives when hit from below and acts like a normal solid object when hit from above or from the side. The ? Block was moved to make room.
- The upper lives limit was changed from 99 to 100.
Revisional Differences
To do:
US Revision 1
The following bugs/mistakes were fixed in this version:
- There are various bugs related to Yoshi's eating ability. Generally, if Yoshi or an object changes state while he's eating (e.g. a Power Flower disappears, or Yoshi takes damage), the game can glitch in various ways or freeze entirely.
- In Tall Tall Mountain, when Yoshi licks and eats a character transformation hat while Ukiki is jumping in the air, the game will freeze just before Yoshi finishes his transformation process.
- If the player collects or eats a transformation hat and their animation state changes (e.g. by collecting a Power Flower or grabbing hold of a ledge), then the transformation hat will remain stuck to the character's feet until another hat is collected or the player leaves the course.
- In Shifting Sand Land, if the player is wearing a transformation hat and lets Klepto bump into them while they are standing still and holding an item, the game will freeze.
- In Bob-omb Battlefield and Tiny-Huge Island, the Koopa Troopa and small Koopa Troopa (respectively) lack the ability to climb some steep surfaces, and will just walk in place.
- In Whomp's Fortress, if you grab the Super Mushroom, warp to the top of the fortress, make your way to the wooden plank and run up to the side of it, you'll get a constant stream of extra lives.
- In Dire Dire Docks, when the submarine is present, you can jump under one of the back fins and immediately ground pound to be pushed through the water surface, allowing you to walk underwater.
The European version inadvertently presents some new bugs.
- In Star 5 of Snowman's Land, "Snowman's Silver Stars", entering and exiting the igloo after collecting all five Silver Stars will cause them to respawn. Collecting one will cause everything but Mario to freeze (or cause the game to freeze if you're riding on a Koopa shell).
- A glitch was introduced that allows you to carry Stars by jumping on a Goomba and eating a Star as Yoshi. They have basic physics when spat out, sliding along the ground.
- One form of the Yoshi tongue glitch is possible in Jolly Roger Bay by licking up a cap and getting squashed by a pillar before the cap goes into Yoshi's mouth.
The Korean version fixes the game freeze part of the Silver Star glitch, but the rest of the glitch still occurs.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Nintendo EAD
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Nintendo
- Pages missing date references
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused objects
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden level selects
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- To do
- To investigate
- Mario series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
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Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused enemies
Games > Games by content > Games with unused items
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused objects
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